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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. Check out the overperformance in NYC/Jersey. Stay the course, this should be epic, despite HRRR flcutuations
  2. I wonder if H5 has closed off already with the negative tilt. We shall see in 40 minutes
  3. Ohhhh you can see when it really tilts negative! Everything is thrown back NW
  4. All that dark green is gonna slam into those western bands. It's gonna be hellacious for most in t-minus 2 hours=0
  5. Latest HRRR has a +24.2" snow depth increase for Boston, which is a reasonable compromise between 10:1 and KUCHERA
  6. Point and click has 17-23 inches of new snow accumulation during the day.... I'm speechless and blessed.
  7. Check the Satellite forecast from Analysis at hour 0 to hour 1 on the HRRR... very fishy. Clearly not initializing properly. I would upload if these servers weren't too feeble to support files of reasonable size
  8. Just looking at midlevels, it seems like if an eastern mesoscale low doesn't form, everyone west of the river just competely pounds. We can see that in the name, which would have been a completely crunching if not for a 6 hour periods of chasing convection. My question is, and maybe it's a dumb question: what about the upper air would suggest that the western low regains primacy after the eastern low has been favored? Especially when before the eastern low was favored in the first place, our LP was further west. It seems like an intra-run 6 hour hiccup, but all the models seem to show it to varying degrees. Why?
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