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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. Yeah, more so than for coastals I think with discrepancies along the y axis. Part of me thinks that's because people fundamentally understand the logic of the ocean influencing ptype, but not the logic of CAD versus WAA
  2. This is an extremely bizarre thread. Beer drinkers versus chewable chewers, who will win the battle of the inebriated??
  3. Chance the big one holds off until after 630 for the Boston area?
  4. The snow is very crystalline, kind of interesting
  5. Wait, there's supposed to be a second round of this stuff? Already a couple inches in Cambridge
  6. Yeah that one was pretty unfortunate, it was just hours of light-moderate sand
  7. This was the one on Monday, there was one on the Friday before
  8. Yeah man, I'm enjoying this 50 degree weather and sun. Give me snow or give me this in February, fine by me
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroticism
  10. The fact that this trending bigger would been an ICON midrange coup makes me doubt it'll happen
  11. If we want a thread, we should either wait for Tip to do it himself, or ping him incessantly to start one.
  12. right, weren't we just lambasting the GFS for being out to lunch for much of this past event, being not amped enough? We gotta temper expectations. Synoptics say not much of a chance for a major event, even if Kuchera prints out ridiculous numbers.
  13. God, that's way too much of a dopamine hit for a storm which has a realistic ceiling of 12 inches
  14. You also don't have to worry as much about banding with these SW flow events
  15. These are my favorite events, because the ceiling is relatively low so there's less of that stupid uncontrollable anxiety about a miss, but 6-10 inches of WAA snow during the day is always such a treat. These are the bread and butter events
  16. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ea7Xfb1zkK7pYZT79 On Mass Ave Bridge during the high of the storm.
  17. Ran into Cantore by chance, was pretty surreal to meet him and talk H7 frontogenesis and thundersnow
  18. Especially after 4 nights of 6 hours of sleep or less. This hobby is physically taxing lol
  19. Man, I was out in Boston with a buddy from like 9 to 4 with a couple stops in between, I'm still thawing out. My friend took a pic of me with Cantore though, and also it was 2 feet of hellacious snowfall, so it was worth it. But God, am I exhausted
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