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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. Getting attached to model solutions 180 hours out is like getting emotionally attached to a pornstar
  2. Let's make sure we stress over run-to-run fluctuations for a storm occurring 8 days from now. If we don't do that, we'll never earn snow from the universe! Because we all know that in order to enjoy life, you have to suffer gratuitously on the front end through anticipatory anxiety over uncontrollable shit before anything good happens. And, of course, because the universe cares about how we feel about things.
  3. It seems my proclamation back in November was a couple days faster than the actual progression of things.
  4. 2016 was on the models since like 8 days prior
  5. The tighter the circulation when storm is SE of us, the better chance we stand at getting some NE winds while precipitation is occurring, which might allow us some precipitation while in the 30s along the coastal plain. Big difference seen below.
  6. Goddamn easterlies shoving December marine air down our throats. If this were March, we'd be talking different totals but thems the breaks
  7. 06z GFS is far more dynamically organized than 0z. Weenie-goggles tells me tings are looking up
  8. That's what George corrected me on last night lol
  9. How does it compare with 0z from yesterday
  10. Someone with Wxbell access or something can compare with 12z
  11. EC is better from the snow lover's perspective than yesterday's 0z, weaker and further south
  12. Inch or so in harvard square. Awesome first snow event
  13. Guys, the 850 mb 5-day temp anomaly progression on the 06z GEFS is yummy. Plenty of chances for snow over the next several weeks, buckle up
  14. You paint a picture with a pen like Norman Mailer, my friend
  15. I would look at ensembles instead at this juncture
  16. What's good is that in a diarrhea stream of shortwaves, we have a funneling mechanism upstream. It's more likely than usual that one of these will hit, because they are constructively interfered with by the block
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