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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. At this point, trend seems irreversible. Trough out west ejecting less potent SW and SE ridge flexing. Curtain call for hope for a serious coastal redeveloper. The alternative is pretty great however, if not KU material (which this thing hardly ever had the potential to be)
  2. SWFE with coastal enhancement... nice moderate event. Widespread warning snows.
  3. GFS is has a more consolidated coastal at the surface, s/w just as strung out at H5
  4. VERY different scenarios lol. You can't call for top 10 blizzards every time a decent threat emerges, that's bad dopamine vibes for the rest of us
  5. Very reasonable and thorough description, thank you. I greatly enjoy those front-end dumps, there's some intangible quality to WAA snows in the morning.
  6. Daybreak start SWFEs are some of the best systems, imo. Less total adrenaline influx and more manageable, while still being substantial. Was the "perfect storm", no pun intended, as a little kid bc these storms would be strong enough to call school off, but weak enough that I could convince my brother to trek through the snow and sled w/ me.
  7. Realistically, yeah. isolated 16"-ers is probably the 95th percentile evolution. IDRK though. What exactly is the limiting factor on this thing? Lack of potent SW or lack of potent downstream stoppage?
  8. Perhaps, I'm really not on my game as far as synoptic-scale pattern identification goes this year. Too few storms to track.
  9. Like many others have said, if downstream traffic gets stouter, maybe we can squeeze a 12-18"er out of this system, but trends have not been favorable. We'll see!
  10. Problem is that this one isn't a pure coastal phaser, it's a decaying shortwave careening SE. Not exactly screaming MECS or HECS amounts. This isn't really a "big one", big ones are like Feb 2013 and Jan 2016. This is not in the same league
  11. If we have a bunch of baroclinic zone South pushers, it's almost like the atmosphere has a memory, or a path dependence. Trending south begets trending south
  12. Think they'll be more squall-like ejections from the Bay of Fundy this aftn? Or is this like a last gasp?
  13. Flurries on deck at Hyde Park. Should see a large up-shift soon
  14. I feel like the universe wants to give you disappointment until your youthful spirit is quashed.
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