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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. In other words, if we were only forecastint based off of H5, H7, and H85, would we call this a near miss?
  2. Not to break the flow of the debate here, but does someone mind explaining to me how this progression is not verbatim snowstorm across SNE?
  3. "The perfect storm at day 7 hasn't been reproduced in the past few hours! How could this happen? Who could see this coming?" Might be falling on deaf ears, but its same same. Damn. Playbook. Every time. I guess people like the ups and downs? Or they truly just can't see or understand that most modeled snowstorms don't come true. If it happens, cool. **It looks like a conducive synoptic-scale pattern for a chance of snow.** Maybe this is like telling people to not be heartbroken over sports since they don't matter.
  4. My main research interest would be deltaSD case studies. "In the 5 day period surrounding a +-1 flux in PNA or NAO, how often does significant east coast cyclogenesis occur?" Or something like that
  5. This is a really great find. It's best to train our minds on the boundary parameters that "create the box" where an event can take place, rather than focus on the ultimate final product of all the various parts interacting in high resolution. Ie: at day 7, tracking ensemble telleconnector flux is the most prudent deployment of our attention if we wish to keep expectations in check, while also tracking meaningful ensemble trends. We can get away from the flashy colors and towards the overarching mechanism. I'm sure someone can use the magnitude of telleconnector flux for the three principle domains to find "magnitude" analogs, even if they aren't necessarily perfect structural analogs.
  6. We should go in to the 12z euro watch party knowing that most likely, the verbatim output will not be as sexy as 0z. We should focus on ensembles this far out, and not live and die by vicissitudes. Signed, Someone who can lose serious sleep over storms modeled a week in advance (see March 2017)
  7. Remember folks, there are only 2 ways for this to pan out. Scenario 1: Model locks onto it at 7 days. Starts to look worse. Gets better. Have storm. Scenario 2: Model locks onto storm at D7. Starts to look worse. Don't have storm.
  8. Dipole is a great way to describe it. Not sure if that's standars practice
  9. Did you catch that 938 mb in there??
  10. These days I'm just as excited for the snow to fall as I am for the purposeful workout of shoveling my and my neighbor's sidewalks and driveways. Pushing up from the ground repeatedly? Running after nothing but yoir own previous best runs after nothing? Good to have non-hampster-wheel reasons to exercise
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