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Everything posted by CheeselandSkies

  1. Finally coming down here, pavement and parked cars lightly coated.
  2. Still cold enough to make my knuckles bleed...and not a one day warm enough for this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2008_tornado_outbreak
  3. I'mma need it to not snow on Thursday, k? I've got Wed-Friday off this week and I had planned some travel, but as a rule I don't drive when snow is falling unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Very interesting article from New York magazine. I've been dead-set opposed to any suggestion that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from anything other than a natural spillover event, because the insinuation that it was lab-created in China whether intentionally as a bioweapon, or by accident has almost from the beginning been used as a blame-shifting excuse by the ***** admin and its MAGAhead sycophants. However, this article goes into great depth about the risks of so-called "Gain-of-function" research and makes a plausible case that an accidental release at the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have been the final link in a chain that began with a bat coronavirus that infected its first humans (through massive overexposure, and couldn't transmit between humans at the time) all the way back in 2012, in southern China hundreds of miles from Wuhan. I'm not saying it's convinced me, but it's certainly opened my mind a little more to the possibility. Make sure you have ample time and some popcorn, it's a lengthy read. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/coronavirus-lab-escape-theory.html
  5. I have at times found myself driving in snow when none was in the forecast, pulled up my radar app and gone "WTF?! There's nothing here."
  6. The equivalent (or more) of a 9/11 or about 2 Titanic's worth of deaths in this country every day from this one cause (or in weather terms, about 1 1/2 Hurricane Katrinas or 8-9 4/27/11s) but they're mostly elderly and probably would have died within 10 years anyway so sure, no big deal.
  7. I'm definitely in the "go big or go home" camp. I like stuff that's meteorologically impressive/unusual. Sustained cold/built-up snowpack doesn't do anything for me since I'm not into snowmobiling and the like.
  8. After a brief intermission due to the sun-induced melt yesterday, the Great Midwest Rime Ice (Not Hoarfrost) Party of 2021 has resumed. Today might actually have been the most spectacular day yet. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  9. Yep, back to the same old grind. We could see about a week straight of this.
  10. I'll jump on the hoarfrost train. Got more with my DSLR. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  11. Another epic fail of a chase "season." Sequences like May 4-10, 2003, May 21-30, 2004 and May 22-June 12, 2008 (2010 wasn't bad either, between 5/10, Bowdle and the June events) seem to be a thing of the past. 2019 tried but each day had issues that led to them coming in below their ceiling, with unfavorable storm modes and the like (plus the abominable wildfire haze). I'm finding it harder and harder to go into spring with the same anticipation that I used to because my expectations keep getting crushed. Kind of like how @beavis1729 feels about winter.
  12. Great, just in time for my birthday (not that I have any plans or am going anywhere this year)...
  13. Car facing me was clean when it was parked there. Two forward-parked cars to the left have not been cleaned off since Tuesday night's snowfall. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  14. Light snow has commenced in Madison. Band of >30dbz returns is just southeast of us. @madwx @Luftfeuchtigkeit @Geoboy645
  15. Dry in Madison so far. Looks like we're riding the cutoff between about 1" and zilch. I haven't been following this event too closely since it became clear it wouldn't be too sig for us, but this thread has taught me a lot about why significant ice storms always seem to either happen without warning or when one is forecast, it busts. There's a really narrow window of ideal temperature profiles and precip rates for efficient accretion of freezing rain. There was one morning back in I believe the winter of 2013-'14 (one of our first winter precip events of the season, before it became legendary) where I woke up to, completely unexpectedly, find my car encased in about 1/2" of solid ice.
  16. Back side of the snow seems to be clearing Madison now, heavier rates definitely missed us to the west/south. Doubt we made warning criteria totals here and points north.
  17. 9" and "still snowing heavily" at Lowden, IA per co-op observer.
  18. Me looking at MKX radar and seeing the reflectivity drop off sharply in eastern Iowa: "I wonder if there's anything back to the west..." (Pulls up DVN radar) "Holy **** is that a supercell?!" (I know it's not, but you don't generally expect to see >55dbz returns with a winter wx event)
  19. Yikes. My fiancee still has to drive home from work in Baraboo.
  20. HRRR really wants to keep the main band south of Madison, only 4.1" by hour 17 while most local forecasts over the last couple days have had us in the 6-10" bullseye.
  21. What else is new? I seemed to recall an event last winter or the one before that was supposed to be our biggest of the winter and modeled/warning criteria totals were killed by dry air at the outset.
  22. WSW for us @madwx @Geoboy645. Driving in for work at 3 AM Wednesday should be...interesting.
  23. Not too shabby. Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
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