Kick myself for not chasing 2/8 but come on...the dewpoint was like 48. The better potential (and even that was marginal) was thought to be further south in IL.
From April-May had probably my greatest number of local/regional chases than any prior year, and was on more tornadic storms than any previous year, but reverted solidly to form and managed to miss all potential dramatic intercepts like Keota.
Coming home from my May 21 chase in IA I had to detour around multiple roads blocked by downed trees/power lines, and nearly ran out of gas as a result. There were broken trees less than two blocks from my apartment. Going to work the next morning (3 AM start), some neighborhoods were pitch black with all street lights and even traffic lights out. One of the more widespread and impactful severe wind events for southern Wisconsin, and west Madison in particular in probably over 10 years.
Didn't go out for the big Northern Lights display in May because I didn't think the clouds would clear around here, but it definitely put photographing an aurora high on my bucket list. Finally did it with the display on the night of October 10-11, although my shots aren't the most stellar, it's a start.