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About CheeselandSkies

  • Birthday January 17

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Madison, WI

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  1. There was a similar screw hole depicted on one of these maps a couple winters ago except it was triangular, I called it the "Bermuda Triangle of Snow."
  2. I'm ambivalent at best about snow (really only here for the big dogs with lots of model hype that verifies; and when has that actually happened? lol), hate driving in it (Go figure, I'm fine with driving a mile from an EF4 tornado, but I don't f*** with winter precip if I can help it) and I intensely dislike the deep cold. However, we desperately needed some sort of snowpack going into spring to avoid a flash drought.
  3. Confusion...what am I missing? 12Z run and 3K output are similar.
  4. For the longest time I had no idea this was a real movie...
  5. Doesn't look like we've seen a flake at Madison through 1245...
  6. At least got the sun here today, but not so much the warmth.
  7. Nothing even really on the KMKX radar and there are numerous crashes on the WI 511 map due to slippery road conditions; and some of the traffic cameras appear to be iced over.
  8. Seems like the GFS actually won out with this depiction, then? Most Euro runs were showing a more wound up/impactful system.
  9. Certainly hope you're right on the bolded. The absolute worst IMO is a boring D/J, followed by a late winter SSWE which locks in a winterlike pattern for about 8-10 weeks straight starting around Valentine's Day, leading to a chilly, miserable early-mid spring and a stunted/shortened season; yet any would-be significant events are also limited in their impact because they are fighting climo/sun angle. Feels like we have seen several of these in the last decade or so (2018 in particular stands out).
  10. What is this? An actual signal for a system? This, sir, is the winter of 2024-'25! THIS SHALL NOT STAND! ...in all seriousness, it won't verify but that amount of ice depicted would be catastrophic. The region desperately needs precipitation in any form.
  11. Remains bone dry here. Sun even came out. Aside from the cold snaps (naturally), this is starting to give me uncomfortable shades of the 2011-'12 winter, which led into a spring/summer when we couldn't buy a raindrop, let alone a .
  12. It was all the stations owned by Allen Media Group that were going to do that. Would have been the ABC station here in Madison.
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