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Everything posted by PB-99

  1. I am not going to post day 12 surface maps but the MJO into p7 supports the trough in the SE at the date I outlined yesterday. Jan 25th or so. But the GFS now has SLP at the BM, the key will be can this phase and the cold air win out. N branch was off by 18 hours. Just a time frame to watch.
  2. The 1st shot at a real system for the entire area may show up either side of the 25th.
  3. The same RIMM plots they used last week to think the MJO would stall in p6
  4. Stop using the RIMM plots, they are garbage. The MJO does not circle back, the wave is moving off.
  5. The wave does not die before 8. It goes into 7 /8 /1 and if it dies you are left with a cold signal until something usurps it. But right now the MJO heads into 8 and off towards 1.
  6. Doesn`t this originating out of the 4 corners and focusing it`s snow via WAA put it in that category ? I just don`t see a secondary, so I thought the flow through the OHV puts it in that category
  7. Weeklies , Jan 20 - Feb 20 idea Match up very well with the CFS and the rotation into 7 / 8 / 1 and prob 2.
  8. Hearing the weeklies look like Feb 15. Considering that we are going into 7 / 8 / 1 / 2 ( All cold phases in the heart of winter ) , it`s very believable.
  9. The Control run sees the KU in the pattern for the 1st period highlighted.
  10. I am happy Eric saw p7 too he has done a great job. However it was seen here 10 days ago when many thought the MJO would be stuck in p6.
  11. Gone is the garbage turn back into 4/5/6. You will typically see the RIMM plots want to fade back to the base state in the 11-15 , so you use the hovmollers and vp 200 to see if it matches. This is wrong once again and will head into 8 and then 1.
  12. Don`t be shocked if there`s a KU event inside the timeline that I have outlined. Great flips are usually accompanied with one.
  13. What do you think is happening between Jan 20 and Jan 31. Have you looked at any 500 mb maps and temp anomalies ?
  14. There is ZERO delay in what is coming. Jan 20 was always the return date. If anything most are going to snow on the 19th , so the flip is on time.
  15. As I have pointed out over the last week plus in here the CFS is leading the way and is now strongly into 8 as the hovmoller plots and vp200`s have been saying for 10 days now. The GEFS take it one step further and goes into p1 Which is where this is going. That`s why the Jan 20 - Feb 20 call is alive and well
  16. We can clearly see the MJO moving into p7 and then p8. p7 alone in Jan gives you this. You all know what p 8 / 1 in Feb give you.
  17. The Euro gives you 4 inches and then snizzle. Big win if that actually happens.
  18. The same plots never had you getting out of p5 - 10 days ago. It`s clearly wrong again.
  19. @NEG NAO the Euro has been looping members back since early JAN only to correct. Here is the newest Euro. Which is still correcting to the CFS which has been in lock step with the Roundy Plots
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