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Everything posted by vman722

  1. The little kidney bean near Shannon MS has exploded from nothing the last few scans.
  2. Agreed. Currently working with extreme effective shear on the order of 80+ kts. Will only move into better SRH with time.
  3. Think I saw that too. Looked like the Hackleburg storm in terms of just being so massively wide. If that whole thing was indeed the wedge.
  4. That seemed to be what held back the NE MS cells earlier but sure isn't the case with these AL monsters. These are beyond impressive. Effective shear for both cells per mesoanalysis up to 70-73kt.
  5. This seems to be the biggest issue, effective SRH and SRH in general is displaced much more east than expected so far.
  6. Still forecast to deepen the next few hours...
  7. Good spacing N of Columbus in MS though, Calhoun city cell could be a problem shortly. Definitely looks messy further south.
  8. Once again, this system is exponentially more dynamic than last weeks. And last week did end up verifying in the high risk area. There is plenty of clearing in the main expected initiation zone. Already extreme amounts of low level instability. I hope this busts as much as the next guy but these concerns are being tossed because of the real time observational data.
  9. I’m thinking a storm reports map similar to 4/28/14 with maybe a little more action into TN. Overall pretty aligned with your thinking. Praying for as little loss of life and property as possible.
  10. Lol one slightly more tame run of the HRRR and the event ceiling gets mostly discounted immediately. Careful with that one folks. This still looks rock solid synoptically. As always, setup of the outflow boundaries and mesoscale details day of will determine magnitude, but this and last weeks setup are not the same.
  11. Was thinking the same. What an incredible storm.
  12. Appears to be picking a perfect time to cycle. Hope Jasper made out okay.
  13. Confirmed large and extremely dangerous. Brutal.
  14. Certainly seems like a pretty impressive environment right now given the slight risk. Interested in how this develops.
  15. Here’s my favorite shot from the event. This is right as it wound down. In a winter that seemed absolutely doomed (sorry it still may be for some), this was a gorgeous day. Zero rain to deal with, high end rates throughout, didn’t have to deal with any driving, it really was a fantastic N GA winter day. Hope the tide turns for the people that missed out.
  16. Radar says we’ve been done. Atmosphere says not yet and keeps delivering the same steady monster flakes we’ve seen all day. What a memorable one here. Should finish close to 5”
  17. 3.5” and counting. What a beautiful day. Can’t stop won’t stop, rates just picked up once again. Incredibly consistent.
  18. 2” and counting so far in N Gainesville GA. Been ripping nonstop for over 2 hours now. Temp has been bouncing between 31-32. Some of the biggest flakes I’ve ever seen forsure. Looks like plenty more to go. Will take pics when it’s looking close to winding down.
  19. Intensity has picked up very quickly here. You love to see it!
  20. Finally seeing first flakes on the north end of lake Lanier in Gainesville. Returns look juicy back west, hope she comes through.
  21. I will be heading up to Gainesville tonight and will report back with pics and obs hopefully as the event progresses. After being essentially blanked last year, a few inches would be a nice consolation prize for this "winter."
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