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Everything posted by SRRTA22

  1. Nothing severe here in Jersey City. Some heavy rain, decent amount of CTG and light wind gusts.
  2. Even though shear is weak, I think the 18z 3k NAM has a good handle on the ongoing convection near Scranton,PA. I think the showers hold into NYC. Some elevated instability to work with as well. See what happens. @NycStormChaserwhat ya think?
  3. I just saw a meteor, from my perspective it had a tragectory of se-nwish. Happened ~11pm. I'm looking to the ENE , ~6 mi SW of WTC
  4. Same thing here in Jersey City. I've watched numerous cars barrel right through flood waters. SMH thankfully the waters weren't as high, but still
  5. Had great view of elevated weak rotation of that cell moving up the NY harbor
  6. I'd keep an eye on that cell over Staten Island. Might develop some rotation
  7. Dude...the lightning from that line is insane. When I say continuous...I mean continuous. Awesome awesome anvil crawlers and constant flashing.
  8. Nice pop up cell over BX. I can see the top. Nice anvil lightning
  9. Yup, you can almost always expect an increase in tstorm coverage with an outflow boundary nearby and an approaching cold front. Especially in this type of airmass.
  10. Down to 90/73/98. At least the death of the storm served a purpose lol
  11. Missed the rain but we have an awesome outflow boundary/gust front here in Jersey City! Mammatus underneath it . I'll take it.
  12. So much for that lol Maybe something will pop along the outflow bd
  13. Yay we might actually get a storm out of all this heat
  14. 98 for the max here in Jersey City. 91/77 currently with a heat index of 104... Outside drinking a beer. We dew it
  15. I can see the clouds from the small cell in NW Jersey ...giving me hope that we might see some rain...even though it will probably fizzle lol..
  16. Even the heat is getting to the good folks over at Upton: " .NEAR TERM /UNTIL 6 AM SUNDAY MORNING/... Forecast area will remain at the southern edge of the westerlies with broad upper ridging across the southern half of the country merging with the subtropical high over the western Atlantic. Anomalously warm heights aloft, deep westerly flow, and high boundary layer moisture (high humidity) will result in dangerous heat indices through early this evening. Even overnight, the urban corridor and coastal sections will see dewpoints in the mid 80s to around 90. While there will be some relief overnight, it will remain a hazard for living premises that are not ventilated well or do not have AC.
  17. What I would give to be in Green Bay right about now. What a beaut.
  18. Glad you're safe Forky. I can confirm, heaviest rain I've seen in a long, long time. Maybe the heaviest I've ever seen. Literally sheets during the peak, along with the strong burst of winds , looked like a bonafide tropical storm out there. Never really got to experience "true" TS or Hurricane conditions...what I mean by that...During Irene we got the heavy rains but winds were meh... Sandy we got the winds but couldn't get the substantial rain.
  19. Very interested to see how those storms down by the DelMarva area hold up as that will be our chance at svr. Regardless, heavy rain is a certainty.
  20. Nice rain event here. Avoided flash flooding but had occasional hvy rains. Lightning was great around 8:00pm. Areas around Monmouth must've had a great CTG show.
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