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Everything posted by SRRTA22

  1. Thats not a bad looking sounding. If HRRR holds, I can see SPC upgrading to a slight risk. Not really seeing a tor threat but I suppose there could be a weak spinup somewhere if a storm gets going ahead of the line.
  2. Got a good view to the west and can see the "heat lightning" from the storms near Allentown
  3. Wow...My nonno was 11 years old in 1923. Crazy! Thanks sir unc
  4. Nice tstorm for early march! Couple of impressive CG strikes, heavy rain and about 30mph winds.
  5. Howling gusts during and behind the line.
  6. Thank you @donsutherland1 let's see what Feb has in store. I for one, looking SO forward to the 60s Sat/Sun Beers and steaks for the boys before we enter the plunger again. Forget about our snow drought this weekend and enjoy the warmth.
  7. Um yeah, that would drive me nuts. I don't think I could handle a week of 20"+ snows lol I'll take Thursday night into Friday, keep the rest.
  8. Southern Jersey City Temp 34f DP 29f Light Rain
  9. It's light rain here with a little sleet mixed in here and there. About 34f
  10. Nice slug of heavy rain moving in.
  11. East L.I gonna see some goods. Nice bands moving into that area
  12. Two snow events in December! Here's a question for you guys....would you rather have snow with no accumulation on pavement or cold rain at 33 degrees? Hm. .
  13. Lol dry snow...temps are super marginal there's going to nothing dry about any snow we do get.
  14. 38 with a dew of 33. Agree with enigma , NYC proper will be white rain but hey , rather snow falling from the sky then rain right?
  15. Sad day for my city. Incident took place right up the block from me. It's crazy out here
  16. ~2.5 here in southern Jersey City. Not official. Snow had no problems sticking during the heavier rates. Streets were a mess for the most part during the afternoon. Most of my accumulation happened during the afternoon where about 2" fell. Rest fell overnight as some moderate bands pivoted through. Overall, not a bad storm(IMO) Snowed for maybe 14 hours straight. I'll take that over prtly sunny ANY day. Congrats to those who cashed in
  17. Yeah it really did. Nice banding going on in CT extending across the sound.
  18. Received about 2" here in southern Jersey City. Not bad. If a good band can swing through , 4" can be realized.
  19. Precip shield is defitnitly expanding a bit.
  20. I'll be heading out later hoping to cash in on some banding. If it doesn't, oh well I'm good with my inch or so
  21. 0.5 - 8" here lol I love these unpredictable events
  22. 37/34 with a strong wind. Light mist. I'm thinking gonna fall short of the forecasted low of 40
  23. FWIW its 28f now at EWR , ~2 degrees lower then the forecasted low
  24. Idk how valuable this info is to you guys up north, but it's currently a mix of rain and sleet down here in NYC metro
  25. I feel like it's kind of sleeting outside. I'm outside and it def has that sound. I doubt it though Edit: It's defitnitly rain/sleet mix right now. Sleet bouncing off the car. Nice! Location Jersey City, nj
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