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Everything posted by SRRTA22

  1. NYC: 26" EWR: 31" MMU: 42" ISP: 25" SWF: 48"
  2. 6z vs 12z Dec 18 straight up comedy
  3. Sheesh cpk only got down to 36? I got down to 23 in JC
  4. He's probably trolling the southeast and mid Atlantic subs
  5. Let's get destroyed from mid December through January and let's bring in an early spring for February
  6. Lmao...johnnie black...a bit too much.
  7. Interior new england. Wtf this guy from NYC needs to teach you guys about your own geography?! jesus.
  8. Morning convection is fooked. As Forky pointed out, everything is just way north and west or us. Forkys a big ass troll sometimes but hes right, shit keeps going west until the last second
  9. It's very muggy but not 78 muggy Its awesome out here. Enjoy forky
  10. Enjoy another warm Friday night Hopefully we get some strong storms in the morning
  11. Looks like we'll be able to salvage a nice warm and muggy Friday night despite a shower/storm here and there Nice
  12. Upton: "Thus there is a concern as these environmental parameters max out late in the night and into early Saturday morning that a fine line of convection develops as the front and max forcing coincides with the anomalous moisture rich environment. The potential is there for lower top convection with a struggle to get higher instability this time of year, with the low top convection possibly triggering a very short round of severe weather. There is some backing of the lowest wind in the column. Thus, a spin up with higher speed shear and some directional shear in the lowest 2 km, and especially 1 km remains a concern for some short lived, but intense convection approaching Saturday morning. With more of an isothermal profile in the column, the concern is that with the front approaching mixing extends lower down in the column resulting in strong to damaging wind gusts along the boundary."
  13. Beautiful. I can see EWR hitting 75 tomorrow; granted we get breaks of sun, which I think we will.
  14. Extremely powerful hurricane, y'all!
  15. Nice hodo. Gonna have to watch the tor potential
  16. Western track would also give us the threat of tornadoes
  17. At least it won't be isaias bad if a western track verifies. I don't think?
  18. I love it too and so happy it's on a weekend. We bar crawl
  19. Omg I don't want this warm weather to end lol. I still see people wearing layered hoodies/jackets
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