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About SRRTA22

  • Birthday 10/23/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Jersey City, NJ

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  1. I just got to Manhattan and everything is snow covered.... What the hell is etubian talking about? Lol it's a literal winter wonderland in midtown All the streets are snow covered besides the main avenues
  2. I know this is OT and for such a complicated system...the amount of information on this thread is impeccable... Whatever happens we finally had and have something to track. This has been awesome. Good luck to all
  3. We're becoming a colder san Diego
  4. Precip is much more impressive than what Radar shows here. Legit moderate snow+ with half mile visibilities at times.. This is a positive bust
  5. I didn't say snowstorm I said big storm and obviously there's going to be some type of storm
  6. This would be late October weather 20-30 years ago
  7. Had some snow mixing in here in jersey City around 11pm last night. Didn't last long though
  8. Let's be real... No one on this planet knows what the northeast winter will look like..... Everything we thought we knew has been thrown out the window and that's the REAL reality. Unprecedented times but unprecedented times always brings great education and experience. We need this.
  9. Lol after 20+ years living here...you should already know this haha Jersey City Mesonet reporting 39 , but it doesn't represent jersey well on nights like this. Most of jersey city is 43-44 like Brooklyn
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