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Silver Meteor

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Posts posted by Silver Meteor

  1. 20 hours ago, Floydbuster said:

    That image is Hurricane Ophelia. 

    Aha! That does make sense. Ophelia came later and was a good one that had much better shape. The eye wall took all afternoon to move through. I have very few images of storms from Wilmington but possibly this one is Charley? I remember clearly the front half was very weak, so weak in fact I was wondering where in the heck is this hurricane? It was the backside right rear that had all the power. (I've no idea what that squiggle is on the image.)


    ILM Cane.jpg

  2. On 8/13/2024 at 5:52 PM, Floydbuster said:

    I cannot believe it has been 20 years since Hurricane Charley struck Florida as a Cat 4 hurricane.


    Charley Part II

    My first full year in North Carolina, Wilmington was my new home after leaving Maryland. Then a Cat 1, Charley was a direct hit with the eye passing overhead. The front half eye wall was solid and easily visible from my apartment while the right rear, fully open with lots of blue sky, was oddly enough the strongest part of the storm. I saved a radar image from the time:


    Hurricane Charley Radar.gif

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  3. 5 hours ago, marsman said:

    This weekend's disturbance may already be causing problems east of Raleigh. The line that came through RDU last night stalled to the east, Flood Warnings up from Greenville south to Kinston, no strangers to flooding there. 


    Indeed it is ... After many weeks of bone dry conditions NOAA has Pitt county in "severe drought" which can easily be seen simply by looking at our vegetation but that ended abruptly today. That eastbound frontal boundary dropped a deluge here in Greenville this morning (1"+)and then after clearing the area returned this afternoon as a westbound front and slammed us even harder (2"+). Police department is telling people to stay off the roads due to widespread flash flooding. Feast or famine eh? Thoughts to the farmers. 

  4. Friday's 106F at RDU does seem a bit much. From what's been posted here sensor location would be a plausible explanation. Here in Greenville (population ~100K) off to your east we too have been in a prolonged dry spell (grass is brown) so we have similar antecedent conditions yet we barely made it to 100F. On Saturday we topped at 99F. Don't know about RDU but Greenville's average July high is 91.4F.


    Greenville temps.png

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  5. 3 hours ago, cptcatz said:

    If you're going to bring up global warming, you'll need to account for all global tropical cyclones, not just one basin.  All other basins have been completely dead this year and global cyclone frequency has seen no increase over the past 40 years.

    Thank you, a pleasure to finally see a short - to the point, intelligent post without teeny bopper grammar or global warming hysteria.

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  6. 4 hours ago, RevWarReenactor said:

    The criteria for closing schools has changed drastically over the decades. My mom told me in the 1960's school would be open with a foot of fresh snow on the ground. When I was in school in the 1990's, it took about 6 inches to close school. Today a squirrel farts wrong and schools close.

    As to the reason why, my guess is heightened liability issues. Its just easier to make it up at the end of the year than opening yourself up to lawsuits.

    Your mom lied to you, lol. I was actually IN school during the 1960s (junior & senior high, Montgomery County, Maryland) and if we had a foot of snow I guarantee you the schools would be closed (until the roads were cleared.) Even the Washington, D.C. schools would have a rare closure. Traffic, even light traffic, doesn't move well in snow that heavy. That said, it is true schools close "more easily" now than back then. Consider the difference in population, traffic, and litigiousness. 

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  7. On 9/19/2022 at 7:29 PM, Fantom X said:

    I just wanted to express how I hate that climate change is political game, rather than everyone taking it seriously. We had a problem with CFCs in the 1980s and it was REAGAN who was involved with the banning of CFCs. Now the GOPs stance is that climate change is a hoax. 

    The climate change narrative is more than just a political game, much more. At the core is carbon credits, already a multi-billion dollar racket on Wall Street, it will grow into the trillions. You'll pay, you always do. The wealthy elites, politically-connected, and media moguls run this game, and you can take it to the bank they are not stupid. (Or perhaps you believe these people can't sleep at night because they're worried about YOU. LOL.) 

    I see it everywhere, people barking at trees oblivious to the forest that will consume them.

  8. 8 hours ago, Floydbuster said:


    Then of course, Charley moved further east and was much stronger. Just food for thought.

    Thank you Floyd for the NHC track plots on Charley. The earlier forecast was remarkably accurate not only for the Florida Coast but also for the second landfall (I watched the eye pass directly overhead on Cape Fear, N.C.) The more updated forecast not only missed the Florida landfall but also had no second landfall at all! Charley is a good reminder that depending on trajectory a small error can rapidly magnify. 

    While here let me thank you for the good work you do on your videos.

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  9. On 4/15/2022 at 8:59 AM, LibertyBell said:

    Not to mention that the animal farming industry needs to be sharply curtailed too.


    Seems most everything you espouse comes straight from the World Economic Forum. I hope you're not so naive as to believe any of those globalists give a rat's ass about you or the billions of other "peasants" across this planet (or even the planet itself.) They want money and power, everything else is a side show. 

    Putting the planet under the control of a bunch of central planners "who know what's best for us" is not the solution unless your target is a dystopian future where humans become effectively slaves or robots. ("You will own nothing and you will be happy.")

    Free market capitalism is the best mechanism for advancement humanity has ever devised. Unfortunately it's been under attack since the 1960s with misguided policies and ever increasing government control over every aspect of life (regulations reaching the point of fascism - crushing the individual and small business.)

    Note too, the "thought police" are already here. Been here for a long time actually (it started carefully with the invention of the "hate crime.")


    Twitter Ban Science.jpg

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  10. "...restoring faith in government." LOL Did someone just fall off the turnip truck? When money was real (gold and silver) perhaps, but those days are long gone. The government and its propaganda arm, the media, are enemies of the people.

    With a "Fourth Turning" now well underway, climate concerns will fade away as the pendulum swings from globalization to decentralization. Food and energy concerns will be tantamount, and this across all continents. The storm clouds have arrived, delivered by our government and those who pull its strings. The rest of us are mere peons.

  11. 1 hour ago, Anyweather said:

    I would dial the weather phone in Poughkeepsie NY multiple times per day in the winter waiting for the forecast to update. Still remember the number 452-1919 50 plus years later. 

    Same here as a teen in Washington D.C. back in the 1960s. The number was WE-6-1212. (Called it so many times I can never forget it, lol.)

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  12. 8 minutes ago, WxSynopsisDavid said:

    Incorrect. That’s not waaaaay offshore. Every guidance I seen had the coastal about in that general area. What happens is the coastal develops a double low and along with the phase happening, the coastal storm gets pulled back west once it is paralleled to OBX. As it stands, everything is going as forecasted for the Delmarva into the northeast.

    Did I say anything about guidance? No. I said I've seen many Lows pass by this coastline and this one is much farther out than normal. Much farther out. A simple, basic fact. (And your response is an example of why I almost never post on this website.) If the 850 pulls it back in, great, I'm all for it ... but again I was only pointing out a peculiarity with the track at this latitude.

  13. 4 hours ago, IronTy said:

    Why does everybody hate DT?   I remember some posts from a year or two back where he was going crazy and having a meltdown or something and he seems to be good at lashing out and blaming others for his own shortcomings.  But other than that is he ok?

    Psychology: Many people think by demeaning others it raises themselves. It doesn't.

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  14. 29 minutes ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

    I'll take the 988mb off Fenwick Island ftmfw Alex, ty

    Ah, good old Fenwick. Many family vacations there in the 1950s and '60s. The 2-lane coastal highway was the only paved road (other than the Rt. 54 access of course.) The beach towns were fantastic before the population explosion.

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