Baby Yoda: Hot off the press!
NWSGeorgeBM Headquarters
Forecast Discussion
Sunday, June 25, 2023 4:44PM EDT
Surface dewpts and surface temps have jumped into the mid 70s and mid/upper 80s respectively over the past few hours behind the warm front. The associated elevated showers/storms have lifted into the northern tip of the Chesapeake Bay/SE PA/ Delaware area. Dewpts will rise a few more degrees into the upper 70s w/ upper 80s air temps on breezy SSE winds ahead of a potent shortwave. Steep MLLRs (7-7.5C/km) have overspread the region w/ LLLRs approaching 7C/km. Over the next one to two hours as the shortwave and associated MCS approaches and lift increases a weak cap around the 800-750mb layer will be eroded. With the very fast deep-layer(700-400mb) westerly flow (55-60+kts) and large hodographs, effective bulk-shear easily exceeds 60kts w/ 250-350+m2/s2 of effective SRH. That combined with 3000-3500+J/kg MLCAPE will allow supercells to develop and rapidly mature producing very large(2.5”+) hail, severe winds and a few tornadoes, perhaps significant.
As the line of storms associated w/ the MCS/derecho moves east of the mountains by 22-23z they will further intensify in the high CAPE/ high shear environment w/ widespread damaging winds and significantly severe (hurricane-force) gusts looking likely. With large effective SRH, QLCS tornadoes will also be a decent threat. The supercells and MCS will affect the region between 21z and 1z. Afterwards a cold front will move through bringing gusty NW winds and cooler/drier air. Temps will fall into the upper 50s/lower 60s w/ dewpts into the 40s by dawn.
Forecaster Wannabe: George BM
Jerz2VA: D word.
Zugzwang: Over/under on whether we see 1 million costumers lose power?
Baby Yoda: 80/20 maybe even 1.5 mil at peak. Significant severe wind probs with the watch is at 90%. Higher than it was in 2012 which was 70%.
Joe the Eskimo: