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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. At .48 here, some downpours.
  2. Anyone else still dealing with allergies? Ragweed does a number on me every year, but this year is especially bad.
  3. Absolutely gorgeous photos.
  4. Rainfall rates picking up again here, looked like we were going to get a bit of a break, but moderate turning heavier now.
  5. Awful. Very grateful for this forum. I’m not on social media, though I know there were some people issuing warnings there. Fact is the mainstream was not forceful enough on this in my opinion, plenty of people may have opted not to drive if alarm bells had been sounded.
  6. Thank you for the heads up. I appreciate that! I had just taken a walk down to the corner and see ponding beginning in earnest in some of the usual spots. Does not bode well. It also got a lot windier.
  7. As you know we flood here in Carteret with a lot less. We had damage and issues from Sandy of course, but Irene was far worse for us with regard to the flooding. And the ground around here is quite saturated already!
  8. And stretched out is just fine by me! Because deluge= flooding and we get enough of that.
  9. Almost .7 so far and rising quickly.
  10. Yes, quite a bit hitting the windows!
  11. And the skies darkened so quickly! Wind also picking up quite a bit.
  12. Over an inch of rain now here in Carteret.
  13. Yes, we’ve got about .73 so far, along with some lightning and distant rumblings.
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