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Everything posted by Wetbulbs88

  1. Might be wrong but I don't think you were ever in line to win this one.
  2. Mostly snow here in Chevy Chase. Becoming heavier.
  3. Why does NWS local obs have me at overcast still? Who can you trust these days if not the government.
  4. Becoming pretty pessimistic about this one for NW burbs. Still in the low 40s...
  5. I have a hard time believing we're going to drop some 14 degrees in time to really cash in. Hope I'm wrong.
  6. DC is in the lower/mid 40s right now....
  7. Lol I mentioned a bit earlier that I'm in Chevy Chase visiting my parents.
  8. I live in Harlem but I'm visiting the 'rents in Chevy Chase rn. Dew points are low so yeah I bet it changes over fast.
  9. Returns are starting to green as they move toward the metro. Be interesting to see how it turns out.
  10. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=DIX-N0Q-1-48
  11. Very interesting. Thanks for the link. Will definitely gonna keep my eye on this during future storms, when DBZs aren't matching my window.
  12. Is there a way to read this in real time? I'm only familiar with heights readings on model outputs.
  13. Radar has been pretty unreliable so far this year. Snowing harder than it has all year here but sitting at the back edge of a 'light-to-moderate' band
  14. Wrong. It can stick near or a bit above freezing. LI is getting pounded right now. It's about rates, and it was clear that this would be to the east, which I said would happen. Looking at snow maps is amateur hour.
  15. Prob more so in BK, closer to the water. Up here in Harlem it's paltry. This place is a snow hole.
  16. Just like last storm--radar looks good, but nothing really doing outside.
  17. Switched to pretty much all snow, pretty light, 36.
  18. This. Unless the changeover comes earlier or the band situates more NW than modeled, I don't see this amounting to much in the city. That being said, I'm assuming this is based off the latest GFS? Wouldn't get too worked up about a GFS run inside 12 hours, it doesn't have to resolution to understand the specifics relevant to this time frame.
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