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Everything posted by Wetbulbs88

  1. I was in New York for ‘15, and I’m 32, but that was the coldest winter I’ve ever experienced. Weeks of highs not breaking 25 and nearly a whole week below 20. Unbelievable.
  2. I grew up in Ellicott City. At least there, we’d get significantly higher totals than surrounding areas. I lived on the top of centennial lane and the lift there compared to surrounding areas was simply a thing of beauty. Really was a great microclimate.
  3. That was the thing about this storm. Pretty powerful and far reaching but not the most organized precip shield. Outside that mega band, it was pretty spotty. And the mega band itself kept expanding outward minimizing durations.
  4. I’d be surprised if the District was that low. I measured 6.8” here in Chevy Chase and this morning we had more than 4” on the ground WITH compaction and melting. But maybe urban heating did its thing.
  5. Hoping this band can gain some steam and bulldoze its way down here.
  6. Also not an expert, but I think it was Occam's Razor: ULL was simply too far north. The picture perfect placement of the coastal just couldn't fill the precip shield on the southwestern side. Just climo really. Western areas got great lift which sucked up a lot of what would've fallen in central MD. But these bands here are saving the day. One last thrust would get me over 7". Would also love to see a storm loop though. Where can you access? I've seen blizzards on YouTube and this one was fairly sizable.
  7. 6.8 inches here in CC. Super compressed on the ground but around 5 on the grass still.
  8. We’ve already reached the upper end of our range. If this band holds up and inches east we could bust high.
  9. I’m very disappointed that no one is recognizing that I told everyone to be patient lol.
  10. Yeah this is really cool. Turned this storm from a mild underperformer into something a bit more memorable considering we started this event about two days ago now. Simply amazing. Not impossible to inch closer to six if this band can hold for a while. Gonna get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings as this thing wrings itself out before pulling away.
  11. Also I’ll add that the timing was all discombobulated but the accumulation range was pretty spot on around here. About five inches total before compacting and including IP/ZR.
  12. After being fringed since the first thump it’s nice to get some snow showers here as everything winds down. A truly epic storm. It’s not the most organized but it’s still hitting from Maine down to Roanoke, with some lake enhanced stuff even flurrying down in Raleigh.
  13. Only place in the world it’s not snowing.
  14. Life continues to deal me lemons, with a side of crap.
  15. I'll give all my GameStop gains back (which aren't that much anyway so I probably can't trick the cosmos).
  16. Yeah huge bummer here. Hoping for a miracle but it never really happens.
  17. It split from the main band and passed you. It's going to be very tough to get anything consistent from here on out. The lift across the metro region is just terrible, everything that seems like it could hit will most likely erode and reappear to our west. But if this thing can keep torqueing we could see something decent push its way in.
  18. I'm within an inch or so of the 4-8" range. About half of what was modeled but we could get lucky.
  19. I'm 58% sure it will erode as it presses down into DC. The valleys here have such terrible left. Hopefully the decent room for error I've left wins the day though.
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