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Everything posted by Wetbulbs88

  1. Para GFS. Predominantly snow for the vast majority of the sub, the second wave is legit. If this verified I would surrender to this storm. Would make me look like a fool. And I'd be ecstatic. .
  2. Wowwwwww the CMC showing similar. This just. got. interesting.
  3. Wait nvm found it on pivotal. Wow the para is wayyy better. How has it been performing compared to the standard?
  4. Got any panels or other stats? TT doesn't show the para for some reason.
  5. Interesting. DCA looks better (maybe) than BWI
  6. I'm actually impressed. You studied this hobby just enough to post mildly believable negative perspectives that pass under the troll radar.
  7. 100%. Learning about soundings last night has been a trip, so thanks for adding to that for me. In no way do I believe we get as much sleet in this scenario verbatim.
  8. One of my favorite storms was in 1999, biggest flakes I've ever seen. In Ellicott City we got pounded and it was 33 degrees nearly the whole time.
  9. Yeah super interesting, though totally academic considering how fine that resolution would have to be. I think it more so shows that there's a better than average chance that DC falls on the right side of this.
  10. Lol in no way do I think I'd be on the right side of that fall line. But if that somehow happened to verify I might start believing in things I swear to only in vain.
  11. Honestly I think it's better but I think you're just trained to see such outlandish stuff that it seems reasonable. Wide geographical accum maps are pretty tough to draw and somewhat pointless to an extent, but some of those areas included in 3-6" are just ridiculous.
  12. It’s 95% of the time any season. But when I said this when the euro was jackpotting us I was roasted.
  13. I think it’s pretty much impossible for the jackpot not to be in the same old spots. If temps are ever an issue that will be the case 99% of the time. Lift + temps wins every time. Never for one moment believed the Euro central MD jackpot. But I will say I’d be more than happy if this verified. Definitely better than I expected three days ago.
  14. Gotta love these automated forecasts. Thursday will bring rain with a high of 31!
  15. Still out of range for the HRRR but nice to know.
  16. This is super cool btw. If you did this with every 'significant' tracking--maybe storms that make it to storm mode?--would be interesting to see which results verify closest and at what points along the way.
  17. Technically the Euro came out before storm mode, but the fact that it was percolating around the 72 hour mark clearly infiltrated the system and, well, there you go. It's all downhill from here!
  18. Changed my mind. Too much fun watching people grow red in the face for no reason.
  19. Big step back from the Euro. I'm going to bed.
  20. Time to watch this thing demolish Frederick. I'll be ready with my raincoat on standby.
  21. This is what I expected. Same old places getting the same old goods. Was there any talk of the CMC? Looked pretty warm.
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