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Everything posted by dave0176

  1. According to NWS Brick got between 5.0 and 5.3. Long Island is literally on an island of it’s own when it comes to snow the last 10 years.
  2. Is there going to be mixing issues at the immediate coast, I’m in eastern ocean county about 5 mins from the ocean?
  3. I’m in Brick by the River Rock so I’m hoping the cutoff is further north….
  4. One storm after the other has commenced here in Brick NJ. Was sunny Hot and completely clear an hour ago
  5. Was in Wildwood from the 10th till today. Outside of not a drop of rain all week we only had clouds for a three hour period on Sunday the 11 from 12-3pm. Until Wednesday temps averaged around 79-81 with south eastern flow, made it feel a little cool on the beach then Thursday to today warmer around 85-88 with westerly to south westerly flow. Ocean averaged about 73-76 was almost walk in. One of the best weeks I’ve ever had there weather wise. Would’ve never known how bad the weather up here was had I not followed this site.
  6. I will be on vacation in Wildwood from the 10th to the 17th looks like 79-81 degrees average. I know it’s still a bit far out but looks like rain chances every single day. Gonna be great with kids couped up in a hotel room. SMH Looks like 90s this Tuesday but beyond that it looks like more rain and 70s. This is exactly what I didn’t want in July.
  7. 49 here in New Brunswick 7AM
  8. Doesn’t appear the 11 year hot summer will repeat this year. This is shaping up to be more of the last four years. Humid, high dews, drenching rains when they come and average highs around 85-90. And it’s not going to be very warm again this week, I’m seeing mostly 70s, with cool starts.
  9. 54 in New Brunswick at 7AM
  10. It is horrid out here and I’m working in direct sun temp 91 with 81 degree dew. It’s almost unbearable, but people need AC so someone has to fix them.
  11. And it seems every Christmas week seems to set record highs. Weird.....
  12. If some remember last June was a back and forth month too. I remember hot and sweating to sitting on the beach fully clothed with a coat on and we couldn’t stay there, because it was too cold. I think last June was the first time I ever had to use my heat. Using heat varies for different people. I consider when the temp in my house don’t drop below 68 the warmer weather finally arrived. I keep it at 68 day time and 66 for sleeping. Right now the heat currently runs every morning as it drops to 66 at night.
  13. Still only 54 in Brick NJ
  14. Truthfully I get what some guys are saying, we’re not looking for heat, mid 60s and sunshine is fine with me. But I’m also one that keeps saying lately spring has become my least favorite season. In the last 10 years MANY motorcycle spring events I used to attend have been canceled and no longer occur until Autumn or later in the summer which of course is not fun being on air cooled engines lol. Their reasoning is bad weather every year and it costs money to set these events up only to have them constantly canceled. For me the cooler weather keeps us less busy because as soon as the extreme heat gets here we’ll be working 12 hrs a day 6-7 days a week until it finally calms down a bit.
  15. Another crappy spring in the making. Guess I’ll have to wait for the switch to flip to all out summer once again. Unbelievable how April May and most of June are just crappy anymore.
  16. I won’t complain if April only has two bad weeks of weather. The first week was awesome and hopefully the last week will be nice. Need some bad weeks in April for the gardens.
  17. My spring allergies have been terrible since the early 2000s as soon as buds appear and by leaf out I’m on prescribed meds. The last few years it’s seems to been waning a bit I’m on meds for much shorter of a time. This year so far I’ve got nothing.
  18. I really hope these dew points start rising, I have serious dry skin and then these cool days and I having scorched air heat makes it crazy dry. Unfortunately the last 5-8 years April has become my least desirable month. I remember when April came around we seemed to always get at least one heat wave. My favorite being 1991 I was in 9th grade and I remember how hot it was coming out of school. Seems to me the last couple years starting in April and it seems to always persist to about the last week of June then suddenly it’s like a switch flips to all out summer.
  19. I’m cool with mid 40s just don’t want sustained 30s for highs.
  20. I love it man my favorite time of the summer is the first three weeks of July. Although the last 3-4 years have been rough once August rolls around with those terrible dews.
  21. Yep but it’s the fourth quarter the clock is ticking and we only got one time out and the two minute warning left. Lots of thing can happen just like the end of football game but in the end winter is in its twilight. Thank god, I want warmth.
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