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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 2 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

    Did realtor have plot plan of property? It should show where septic is. If not, I'd be asking the realtor. Otherwise, go into basement and see if u can trace the main house drain line. That will at least give you some idea as to what the melted spot may be. Septic should have been pumped as part of the house sale if not done recently


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    The main drain goes out that side but goes on a 45* angle across the lawn to get to the septic. Which is about 40' away from this spot.

    3 hours ago, Flying MXZ said:

    Do you know why the driveway is patched at the end of the stone steps?  Might be related.  Where does the water come into the house?  Is it abnormally wet in this area?

    Good catch. I just ran out and looked and those are actually just two cracks. No patch. Had me worried for a second. Water comes in from the back right so not related.

    2 hours ago, #NoPoles said:

    You should get your septic tank pumped. Maybe get the entire system tested?

    It was just pumped in July and passed title 5 prior to us closing on it.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Sugarloaf1989 said:

    My son report's awful skiing conditions. Sheet ice, chunks of ice, water bars and low visibility with snowmaking. 45 minute wait for the GSE to open for downloading.

    This was the report from K yesterday as well despite 6-8" of fresh snow on the ridge. They also were not able to get going until about 10am due to icing. Think our first day will be next Friday night.

  3. On 10/22/2018 at 11:13 AM, MarkO said:

    I don't think it will all melt away. A foot of man made snow has the liquid equivalent of maybe 5 feet of natural and if you look at their live webcams, they are just absolutely pounding Superstar. Like others have said, elevation helps a lot, not to mention late October sun angle is same as early February. Also, Killington is hosting (once again) Thanksgiving weekend FIS race which also gets it plenty more publicity and gives them another reason to keep the guns firing. 

    Being able to drive to 2500' is pretty rare for a New England mountain. Bolton Valley is the only other one I can think of. As for other elevated lifts, the others that come to mind are the fixed grip quad at Cannon, the summit chair on Mt. Ellen (Sugarbush) and that summit chair on Sugarloaf. I think the bottom of all those lifts are over 3000'. The double chair at WV probably had the highest base elevation at about 3500', but it's gone this year, being replaced with a tee bar. FWIW, those chairs are for sale for $400 (I got one on hold). If anyone wants one, send me a pm.

    I always thought the best early season set up in New England would be at the Lincoln Peak side of Sugarbush. Heaven's Gate serves about 1,400' of vert and the summit is just under 4,000'. Organgrinder (more of an intermediate trail) and Ripcord would be better than any other early season offerings. Just wonder if they could download on Super Bravo.

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  4. 13 hours ago, Sugarloaf1989 said:

    I'm very confidant that there will be skiing in Vermont/Maine within the next week. Killington and Sunday River being the two places likely to make snow going forward.

    Yes. I think K starts early Thursday morning and opens Friday. Looks like SR could start Tues-Weds.

  5. On 10/6/2018 at 7:17 PM, HoarfrostHubb said:

    Sugarloaf was blowing the mice out this morning.  Testing out their snowmaking pumps etc

     The wife has been talking about getting back there for the past 4 years and now she finally has an A/T set up to have fun in the basin area.  Going to have to suck it up and make the drive up there this winter.

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  6. Took advantage of the cool temps the past week and planted some tall fescue around my new creek bed about 10-12 days ago. Amazing how quickly and full it comes up. This week will be a test. It only receives about 3-4 hours of sun a day so that will hopefully help. 

  7. So ready...

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    Nothing wrong with a wide ski for everyday (I do like going mid 90s when it is super hard pack). I run homemade skis that are 110 underfoot for my every day skis .  IMO its all about the rocker and camber in bumps and not so much size.

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