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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 9 hours ago, wx2fish said:

    The bass spawn is definetely behind schedule locally. There were a few smallies on beds today at my local lake, but it's just starting. I've seen them on beds there in late April during warmer springs. I also saw plenty of largemouth cruising up shallow after a couple warmer days. 

    Wow. Quabbin temps are still in the upper 40s, most smaller areas are in the low-mid 50s. Similar to last year around here, first wave of smallies did not start bedding up until the first week of June but beds were present for weeks prior. Cooler mornings just kept pushing them back down.

  2. 3 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:


    In all honesty though That is actually a good thread going on (pretty sure you got this from the SNE wx chase group or whatever it's called?)...person seemed to be looking to gain some knowledge!

    Oh that is funny. I'm actually not on there. I was just digging through some historical ones my dad mentioned yesterday he was around for in western CT/MA and found that one interesting. He always mentions it when we are heading west on the Pike to Lake George and you can still see the remnants of the old truck stop. Read a few news paper articles on it and everyone always mentions how "the sky turned green" that afternoon.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

     There just isn’t enough support. If CAPE was much higher sure...that could be enough perhaps but lack of a trigger and neutral to rising heights isn’t going to cut it. 

    But the lines look similar, let's just run with it and post it on the Twitter to cause panic! LOL





    • Haha 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    The HRRR would be borderline localized tornado outbreak but yeah that looks strange to me as well. It does develop some pretty high CAPE with not much of a cap so perhaps that's the reason? But I just don't see enough support (trigger) for that scenario.

    Was thinking similar, overdone.

    Random obs, it also put dewpoints 65-70 around Springfield/Hippy Valley. 

  5. 36 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:

    Officially  a resident  of belchertown!! Should do a little better in the snowfall department I think.. just happy to get out of the valley a little bit :) being further north might help in some storms

    Welcome to Belcher-tucky! And yes you will, especially if you're closer to the Quabbin Hills or around rt 21. The difference can be amazing. Can't tell you how many times driving home from ZooMass where it is raining and we have snow. For example, the early December storm last year when Amherst got 14" over two days we got an extra foot plus (17" came the second night when Amherst got 5-6"). I almost shat myself when I woke up that second morning and turned on the porch light.No photo description available.

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  6. 28.1* this morning. Soaked the lawn from 9:30-10pm and 12-12:30am to try to stave off the frost and avoid damaging all the new seedlings. They don't look to be effected. Happy a weedy area I planned to take out and overseed got crushed.

  7. 1 hour ago, radarman said:

    The spillway has been ripping pretty good the last few weeks.  Can hear it from a good ways across the dam.  Not quite as much water coming over as early last April, but certainly a torrent in its own right.

    Last year was pretty amazing for levels, could drive the boat just about anywhere without concern. Water was as high as the horseshoe damns at Gate 31 and 43. 

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