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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 6 hours ago, dendrite said:

    Anyone know how well white clover will grow in very sandy soil? I was thinking of overseeding parts of the front with it to fix some nitrogen in the soil. We've had some areas of topsoil almost completely erode out there, but I'm not doing a big fix. I figure the clover will double as a forage for the chickens.

    I'm just about done with trying clover. I truly don't know what it is up with it and I've done almost double the seeding.

    May 14 - Pretty sandy soil, 2 lbs of seeds, 0 clover. I truly mean not a single one.

    May 28 - Bring in 2 yards of loam, 2 pounds of seeds, this...



    Meanwhile...I can't get my lines straight.



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  2. 6 hours ago, Whineminster said:

    Big difference between dry and drought.....

    I will admit, drove up to check out a boat in Winchendon this week and there were several towns along Rt. 2 with big signs stating "water restriction in effect." 

  3. Crispy mornings and warm afternoons, I could do this until October. Nice stretch. When the wind blew yesterday you could actually see the pollen in the air it was so thick, can't say I remember noticing that before. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, The 4 Seasons said:

    What do you mean he left? His user name is still there he just hasnt posted in a few days.

    Anyone know whats going on with CARs radar? Is there a fire in Canada?


    Tin Foil Hat Competition at this Friday's KEVIN GEEKS OUT (With ...


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  5. Really amazed with tall fescue's ability to withstand a lack of water (it also got hit with two rounds of Triclopyr to take out clover and chick-weed with no stress). Between rain and the sprinkler it has about 1.5" in the past 5 weeks. I have also been mowing 3.5-4" to help it keep what moisture is in the soil there. 



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  6. 1 minute ago, ineedsnow said:

    Got a good amount of rain here

    Interesting spread. Around town got around 0.30 whereas Amherst and down near the Pike seems to have gotten 2-3x that. 

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  7. Fish are all messed up at the Quabbin. Even with last year's cold spring the spawn was in full effect. Past 2 weeks all males on beds, almost all females are still off shore. Yet to see a pair on a bed even though the water is in the mid-60s. Went deep in 25-45' and got all bigger females. Given the bellies, they are either full of eggs or still early pre-spawn. Never seen anything like it. 

    Image may contain: 1 person, sky, cloud, ocean, mountain, outdoor, water and nature

  8. 2 hours ago, Ginx snewx said:



    It was a cold spring but I'm not sure how it compares to last year when they made it to June 1. I think the lack of traffic on it has more of a role. 

  9. 16 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Valley lawns are starting to look a little scorched.  The dust clouds coming off the farm tractors in Hadley and Sunderland could be seen from miles.

    HRRR plays the role of FDR and saves the valley with 2-7" of rain the next 36 hours lol


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