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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 19 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    Awesome!  I've always wanted to tele.  One of the things I hope to do at some point.

    Buddy has a few pairs of Hoks we play around on for cross country trails through the woods and beg/intermediate downhill sections. Being able to make 3-4 tele turns on them a couple years ago opened the tele world for me. Definitely see the appeal. Since then I have always kept an eye out for a cheap set-up.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Fozz said:

    You sure it won't be the other way around?

    This is the third run in the row that the GFS has done this, so it's not like last night when you could maybe dismiss it as a fluke run. Not to mention we do have a monstrous 50/50 low and strong Canadian high.

    I'll ride it given the GFS history of holding out until we are within 48 hours. Would be a pretty epic GFS win if it went the other way.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Boston Bulldog said:

    Fitting that my last undergraduate exam before I apply to Atmospheric Science graduate programs is coinciding with this storm. Really hoping I don't lose power as I'm taking it.

    Had to take the GRE in Worcester during the peak of the big early December storm last year, sensing a trend here!

    Ugh they are still requiring that thing even this year? Many schools in my field started leaving it in the past 2-3 years. This year most schools in my field are not requiring/considering it. I don't get that thing, my  quant score was 20 percentile points higher the year I took it than the following year. 

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