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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. The shear surprised me. Wasn't there event earlier this summer/fall with low CAPE and high shear that surprised? It's escaping me.
  2. Damn, yea it looked it on the webcam. Line for Sunbowl was heading up Wingding. Looks like a lot of folks are out there today before the melt. Heard Huntah is a complete ___show too.
  3. Everything I can find is NY related and gusts in the 30s. There were bigger issues. https://www.weather.gov/ctp/Jan1996Flooding
  4. Yea let's dodge New Year's without power and Chinese food. Approaching 50* high above and mid-low 20s at the surface. Damn.
  5. Yea the 12z HRRR at the end hinted at that as well, especially across CT and up Hippy Valley.
  6. Meanwhile. I found some size 15 boots. Can you tell we have a toddler in the house? Just noticed the dog bowls in background. Ordered December 7th, 2nd day air, finally arrived today. She can actually walk in them versus the smallest I could previously find in 16.5
  7. They have an updated system, tons of water, and a base at 2000'. As I mentioned earlier, there were years they were running top-to-bottom before Sunday River and Killington in October/early November under Peaks. I would bet there will be some condos for sale at both after this year and Cannon will have a big jump in season pass sales. Absolutely shame, aside from DJ's at Cannon, Wildcat has the best lift-served terrain in NH.
  8. No one bothers heading out if its blowing 15mph straight from the north or south. There are 4-5 footers with 25-30 mph. Christmas will probably look something like this. What a difference a week makes. Replace weenie kuchera maps with weenie wind maps.
  9. Yea I would be worried about SVT and NY. Throw 2" of rain on feet of snow, streets will be flooded out. The Susquehanna around Binghamton and the West River of SVT will be in trouble. Luckily there should not be much ice up there yet. Deerfield, Westfield, and Housie should be pretty high as well.
  10. Right? They haven't even opened the Flyer or any woods this year. MRG has only had the Practice Slope open. No Castlerock at Sugarbush or Madonna at Smuggs. When is the last time that happened in a December? Wildcat is essentially one way down from the summit. They all typically get close to 100% open for a weekend or two before a melt-down at the end of the month.
  11. A nice 2". I wish we could get one of these winter mood deals a week.
  12. Afternoon football and evening skiing.
  13. Very nice moderate snow. Feels like winter.
  14. There is one stump towards skier's left on Jug that gets me and made me a Marker binding fan. Twice I smoked it, ski got stuck, and released. And that was on a front DIN of 11, lucky both times. I ski on the right side now lol.
  15. They have been all over the place. First it was 2', then 3', then 4', then 30", then 38", now back to 4', depends which of their social media pages you look at. Either way, an awesome start. The 40+ at Okemo was too much for them. Lines were epically long with only 1 lift running most of Thursday, lots of pissed off pass holders and ticket buyers.
  16. Can see this being the most irritating grinch of all since it is 2020. Tomorrow some models start to shift east, give us a glimmer of saving snowpack and maybe add a little, then back to big winds and rain to take it all away 00z Tuesday.
  17. Is BEast trail report legit? I know you and many others mentioned skiing just about everything but this morning they had 7 trails open. They have always had that issue though lol
  18. Can he be sent back before the grinch comes?
  19. Got it, thanks. Did you get to Catamount? Kind of curious about those new trails. I remember Off Stage being a pretty fun little bump run to finish off your legs. Reminded me of these. I was probably 12 in these pics, was after a 2-3' dump in the early 2000s. Some amazing memories with @MBRI Off Stage In the process of sliding 100' down Catapult and ending at the old fence that was at the top of Catamount Chair.
  20. No substitutions please. If you want spare ribs you must order the #37 as well.
  21. Is this the back past the zip lines? Did that once before. Was unaware of the walk back down E and East Hawley Rds.
  22. Got in the range today after reading the Thunderbolt Runner's FB page this morning. About 10-12" of coverage, did 2 laps down some intermediate open trees and once trip down a switchback fire road. Both are pretty rock and room/stump free. Forgot how hard it was trekking up in fresh. Been cold enough it is still super soft. If there are any Kinco's fans, their new "ski glove" is way too warm. I'll stick to my others until it's about -50 lol
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