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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 45 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    yeah I was just checking the 18z HRRR and it had 60-80 J of 3km CAPE...given the shear parameters that certainly may be enough. 

    The shear surprised me. Wasn't there event earlier this summer/fall with low CAPE and high shear that surprised? It's escaping me. 

  2. 2 hours ago, bch2014 said:

    Total shit show at Sunapee today

    Too many people for the lift/trail capacity when chairs are only going up half full... the sun bowl quad is having issues too..


    Damn, yea it looked it on the webcam. Line for Sunbowl was heading up Wingding. Looks like a lot of folks are out there today before the melt. Heard Huntah is a complete ___show too. 


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