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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 1 minute ago, dendrite said:

    I saw some guy on amazon that said he caught a lot of beneficial moths and bees. Of course he said he’s a beekeeper too so he’s got more bees around than the usual. Some people on there made some guards that block most of the moths and bees, but let the mosquitoes and midges through.

    Damn that is a great idea, will have to try it out. I'm truly amazed at how well it performs. First time since we bought the house 3 years ago we have been able to eat dinner on our deck. 

  2. 20 hours ago, Bostonseminole said:

    I’m riding that pony till late next week then out..


    Elon Musk hosting SNL, already making "Doge-father" jokes on Twitter, I wouldn't be surprised if it was >$1 come Sunday morning. I had fun from .08 - .35. Problem is so many people use Robinhood they will turn off buying again/say there are technical issues like they did April 15-16 when it peaked. That would be my primary concern. January 27th still haunts me.  

    • Like 1
  3. Not sure if it was the late snow but lawn is looking rough. Thin with lots of clover and chickweed. Still early, leaves just started to show a little. I'll start spoon-feeding some urea this week to push some top-growth to see if I can't block out the "un-wanteds."  Still a ways away from milo type given the cold temps. lNo description available.


    Edit: Ranted a few times earlier in the year about how bad the mosquitos and flys were. Did some homework and discovered "Dynatraps." HOLY ___ are they amazing. Have one about 30' off our deck and it has cleared them out. When from not being able to be outside past 330/4pm to outside all the time and haven't seen a mosquito in over a week. Would highly recommend.

  4. 4 hours ago, Whineminster said:

    Wow what a beaut! You're good at catching those things. Yeah eating a fish once in a while is fine, but some people just keep everything.  Sad.

    You think it's a native brookie? I wonder if DFW just threw some in there even though they said brown trout only was stocked. 

    One way to tell is the taste/texture. The "old legend" I've heard from DCR folks is it takes about 12-18 months for the diet of the fish to change the meat. I can see some truth to it.

    The stockies are more soggy/mushy no matter how you cook them, thus why I make a version of "crabcakes" with the meat. Whereas native fish/long-term survivors the meat flakes and chips, so those are filleted and seared/baked. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Whineminster said:

    2 browns and a brookie at the local spot today, surprised about the brookie unless it was a holdover as they weren't listed as stocked. Throw em on the grill tomorrow.  I'm done for the year I only need a few.   Funny how there's some guys who will go everyday and bag out.... Let some of the fish go grow and be merry and live to the end, seriously. 



    Agreed, those natives are hard to come by. I'm always nauseous when I see people taking tons of smallies from the Quabbin to eat or "fertilize" their gardens. Damn things take a decade to get 4 lbs.

    Speaking of the shallow lake trout convo from earlier. Stumbled across one the other day while smallmouth fishing in about 12' of water. Went 28" and just over 7 lbs. I looked down and couldn't see the blade bait with its mouth closed and knew he would be moving on to the big pond in the sky. Us and our neighbors enjoyed him for dinner though. Did get a couple dozen bronzebacks between 3-4lbs. 

    No description available.

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  6. 11 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Derivatives market is leveraged out at over $600 trillion but don’t worry everybody it will be fine.  

    Just stay tuned to the score of the game and whatever your favorite pop culture icon has done and everything will be OK. 


    Really got into finance a few months ago but I'd bet Archegos was the tip of the iceberg and I'd bet many funds have engaged in similar crazy leveraging practices. Seems like cryptos  (e.g., Doge) and penny stocks being pumped and dumped to raise $ in ways only whales can (e.g., CXC was $0.01 mid February and hit $3200 earlier this week). Banks are claiming all is well, selling tons of bonds, and closing locations (e.g., BoA). Bread and circus like the Roman Empire to distract.


    Goalies - I'm all in on Swayman and he will probably have "sophomore slump" in the next year or two.


  7. Just now, Whineminster said:

    So I guess the mepps and power bait dough is the wrong thing to use! 

    When I used to trout fish it was all I did, especially the old Mepps Comet Minnow - my old reliable trout lure. I catch more trout when bass fishing now than I ever did when fishing strictly for trout. The next few weeks there will be packs of lakers cruising the shallows eating newts and such in the Quabbin while people are trolling in 60' for them. Saw one about 15 lbs last year cruising around a beaver lodge in 4-6' and thought it was a pike at first.



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  8. 3 hours ago, Whineminster said:

    Nice! I'm surprised they're active already.  Sweet. 

    I've tried trout fishing 3 times in the local area....nada.  Gotta hit 'em on the right day.  I'll be going up this weekend to the camp....might try Upper Baker in Orford again....we'll see.  

    Yea if the air is much warmer than the water, largemouth will get very shallow, but we were watching reeds and sticks move almost on the bank with fish moving around them.

    I'm so done with trout right about now. Cannot keep the stockies away from a 5" jerkbait when bass fishing. That plus the 3 treble hooks on each, the boat looks like a crime scene of scales and blood. No point in putting them back after they get hooked on one of those since they won't make it. I keep making "trout cakes" out of them for my wife and the toddler. They love them. 

  9. 1 minute ago, radarman said:

    I hiked up to Mt Lincoln in Pelham (1200') and there was like 6.5"-7" at 915 this morning.  It was dumping then and has been dumping since then so they might well be pushing 10 by now.



    Don't boot pack the skin track lol

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  10. Measured multiple spots in the front, average was 6.3". Still going around 1"+ per hour. Neighbors just lost a good size pine. 

    Edit: that band keeps pivoting west another ~15 miles and this will be our biggest storm of the year. 

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