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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. Drive an extra 25 minutes NE to the Old Enfield Lookout around the Quabbin. There is also the stone tower at the top for a better view. Can see west to Greylock, north to Monadnock, and east to Wachusett.
  2. It was amazing to see it blow up in real time. This is looking south at it.
  3. Yea keeps the high MLCAPE to that RI/SE Mass area but doesn't fire much up.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tornadoes_striking_downtown_areas_of_large_cities I think one of the more memorable ones, though only an F2, was in Salt Lake City.
  5. I was actually referencing tomorrow in that post lol Looks like something trying to brew between Wallum Lake and 146 on velocity. Funny, a FB memory from 10 years ago popped up today. We were night fishing on Wallum and got chased off around 2am by a memorable light storm.
  6. 18z NAM a little more generous with the shear down into Mass, CAPE gone wild. Also looking like more of a west wind which could be an interesting ingredient. I'm thinking NE CT, southern Worcester County, northern RI, into Bristol County for the best/worst of it.
  7. Agreed on the northern/central NE for best as of now. There is an interesting combination of ingredients coming together at the right time in southeast Mass to keep an eye on.
  8. Waiting on wiz's severe thread for tomorrow after a boring spring.
  9. Spawn is starting to wrap up on the Quabbin but the largemouth bite is heating up. Pitching jigs around shallow cover has been fun. Even got a surprise 5-10 smallie in 18" of water last week.
  10. Think it is has been 3 years since we had a flash flood warning. Going on 2 hours of non-stop thunder. Kiddo won't nap and dog needs to be drugged.
  11. Was cool to watch that line build up just south of us a few hours ago.
  12. Algos looked to have a glitch yesterday around 12:20. When AMC got halted GME went from $258 - 285. I'd love to figure that one out.
  13. Earnings report and share holders meeting. Also, the hot topic of vote count for board members, etc. and the possibility they get more votes than there are shares. Wouldn't be surprised if here are a lot more votes than there are shares.
  14. Only a gamma squeeze today. I jumped in early last week after looking at the options chain. Shorts continued to do their thing today and added another 2+ million to the pile. I'm sure some smaller shorts exited though. Going to be pretty funny when people cash out and put some back into GME for next week's expected craziness. Last I saw, shorts had lost over $2 billion on AMC in the past 5 days of trading.
  15. Our dog was complaining at the back door this morning, thought he just had to go out. As I'm half asleep and opening up the slider I noticed a large bobcat walking on the edge of the yard. Our dog is a 65 lbs. hound mix and that cat would have messed him up. I know they can range up to 40lbs but it looked to be larger than that. Surprised how low to ground but long it was are, very dark brown too. Looked nothing like pictures I have seen of them around here. Bummed my phone was in the other room and I couldn't get a picture of it.
  16. Amazing how it went from blue bird to 10 at night, similar to the derecho last year.
  17. Seriously. Meanwhile around the Belchertown State School...
  18. Damn, wtf. The greatest of New England weenies and he was proud of it. Just loved weather with such passion. Glad he was able to get his novel finished. The Jan 2015 blizz and July 2019 Cape Cod tornados were so much fun to follow because of this his posts. I hope the first storm of the winter season puts 3' down in Harwich.
  19. VIX calls and SPY puts for the win! lol
  20. The Quabbin is like a damn aquarium right now. For a bit yesterday I just watched. Could see small packs of 4-5 lbs smallmouth just cruising around the 10-15' range waiting for males to build beds - which there are very few of. Going to be a wild next 2-3 weeks as the first waves are just moving up. Also saw lakers and some big salmon cruising around shallow as well. Ended up with 2 smallies over 5 lbs yesterday fishing some old stone walls in 15-20', and then lots of 2-4lbs fish up shallow. Clearly the biggest fish are still off-shore waiting.
  21. Oh jeez then yes. At least that post helped me organize my thoughts for fishing larger lakes LOL
  22. My theory is craws make up a small part of their diet, but it is when smallies are most active. <50* water smallies are more likely to be in deeper water focusing on smelt, perch, etc. Crawfish are not exactly dormant but not exactly active in water <50*. Once the water hits around 50* you have craws and smallies looking to reproduce. Smallies like building beds on harder bottoms around rock (compared to largemouth) which put them around areas with craws looking to do the same. Craws are also easy picking at this time because they are active and easy spot, early on craws either have a vitamin deficiency which creates an olive/blue pattern or they are molting and get that orange color. It's one extreme or the other. Since smallies are in these shallower rocky areas for a few weeks (this coincides when they are easiest to catch given their aggressiveness) they rely more on craws because it is all that is around them for a food source, along with the occasional bluegill looking for eggs to eat/a bedding area. Unlike largemouth, the gravel/rock areas where smallies spawn attract many other smallmouth. It's not uncommon to have 15-25+ smallmouth bed in one small area. This grouping sets them up for the next stage. Once they finish spawning, post-spawn smallies move to the first drop/grassbed off the area they spawned to recover. Whereas after reproducing, craws - specifically males, go into hiding and really only come out to feed during low light times. Once the smallies have recovered, these groups hunt in packs for perch which are in that 15-25' range late spring/early summer. They follow the perch off-shore, typically onto humps once the water gets into the mid/upper 60s. When the water gets >70*, smallies head out to off shore humps for the cooler water and are around more smelt which are also looking for cooler water. Once there are some cool mornings in August, smallies start to move from off-shore humps onto long points to have access to the shallower water in prep for their "fall feed." Perch do this as well so when on those longer points they feed up on perch. Once the water temp starts dropping and you get a full moon in September, the craws are looking to reproduce again and get very active, which coincides with smallies starting to feed up and moving shallower for anything they can eat. And round and round we go. This is my working theory and how I fish for smallies. You can always find some oddball smallmouth cruising the shallows for an easy meal, however bigger (and more successful) smallmouth typically hunt in packs or just massive schools. It's easier for a couple dozen smallies to corral perch or smelt than it is a single fish.
  23. What a difference on the east and west sides of the Quabbin. Monday, gate 8 (west side) 48-50* water, lakers up shallow, smallies still in early pre-spawn mode. Wednesday Gate 43 (east side), 53-55 degree water and smallies in 2-8' on beds. Thursday gate 8, still 48-50* water but fish are transitioning from 15-20' and moving onto the edges of spawning flats. Gate 8 was a challenge all week but put out big fish, although numbers were not there. Wednesday at Gate 43 had over 40 fish, but none over 3 lbs. Only got about 20 fish from my two trips to Gate 8 but I don't think any were under 3 lbs. Fish are the fattest I've ever seen, typically you need a smallie to be over 20" to be 4 lbs, these were all 4+. Caught this one mid cheese stick. She is loving it out there again and listens better than at home. Definitely need to find some different snacks because I will be vacuuming Ritz crackers out of my new carpet until I decided to sell it or do it over again in 10 years. "
  24. Enough vert for tree skiing come winter, snowfields like Sugarloaf? lol
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