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Posts posted by PowderBeard

  1. 11 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:


    Two, the compact structure they are also illustrating is unlikely at this latitude. It will almost have to be in transition to a hybrid/cooling core phenomenon, at which time it is spreading out over a larger circumvallate.  blah blah... this is all geo-physical and climo clad...


    This is boggling my mind. Every model keeps it so compact and not taking on ET features. If it was moving 30+ mph from off the Carolinas to SNE I could see it, but being a slow mover and not taking on ET characteristics makes me think models are clueless. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    IMO. how models initialize strength right now is pretty useless for the overall picture here. Until we see how

    1) Henri fully responds to the stronger shear through today

    This is what I'm watching. Tonight's updates will have people panicking or weenies saying "it can still ______."

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  3. 3 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    On the one hand...we all know to err on the conservative side in relation to tropical impacts across the northeast, as systems often end up with less longitude than originally forecast....however, another important consideration is that these "stall and meander scenarios" are also often exaggerated among guidance...especially with respect to a tropical entity in the mid latitudes. Thus it is a very precarious position to have the idea of a less destructive tropical impact dependent upon the whole "slow to a haul upon approach to New England" scenario, which is quite the anomaly in and of itself. It straddles the precipice of hypocrisy to summarily dismiss the notion of a destructive landfall in New England due to the assumption that this thing will grind to halt at 41* latitude.

    Lots to consider over the next day as I ponder First Call.


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  4. 22 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Also FWIW, I don't see much in the way of ET transitioning. This looks like it keeps its tropical-like characteristics.

    Was surprised to see this as well. Will be going down the rabbit-hole reading about ET transitions this morning. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    How much did tamarack measure in that one 

    Even farther north in Maine, the snowstorm's effects remained disastrous; following its passage, a 60 acres (240,000 m2) timber lot at Thomaston was nearly entirely uprooted, clearing a massive forested area and making towns from great distances away, previously obstructed, suddenly visible.[19] The effect of the storm was so pronounced that, according to Sidney Perley, "people felt as if they were in a strange place".[27] The storm was particularly severe on the Atlantic coast, especially in Kennebec, Wiscaset, Berwick, Kittery, and York, causing moderate destruction and killing several cattle. However, at Portland, the hurricane was less severe and its impact was minimal.[2]

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  6. 2 hours ago, DavisStraight said:

    sure will, you fishing shore or boat? I used to have a nice 15 foot bass boat but built a house so I sold it, looking to pick up another one, probably look for a 20HP so I have the option to take it to Quabbin.

    Have a 16' "bass boat" for the Quabbin. Complete rebuilt from just the hull. Has a 20hp Mariner and does low 20s. Have dual 7" Garmins and 24v 70lbs Minn Kota with the co-pilot system. If you are looking for a Quabbin boat look for the older 80s hulls, 0* rise and  lighter hulls so great in rougher water and quick. I could put a 25hp 4-stroke on for the Q but just love the older two-strokes. I might get it washed again in September to fish the last month of the Q, we'll see. Drop-shotting smallies in 30-50' this time of year gets boring. 


    No description available.

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  7. Been having too much fun fishing other ponds lately to head back to the Quabbin (never thought I'd say that). Hit Quaboag again the other day and had about a half dozen largies in the 4 lbs range along with about a dozen others. Forgot how much I missed throwing jigs in heavy grass and winching them out. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, DavisStraight said:

    The relief pitching is painful to watch, they may pull this one out but it's not easy.

    I want to see Houck in the pen if they can't keep him in the rotation. No reason to be moving him in and out. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    Just got fukked by the mountain pretty hard :lol:.

    Literally from like sunshine to the bowels of the atmosphere emptying on us on our hike.  Middle of nowhere, no shelter either.  Felt like a half inch fell in like 10 minutes.  Completely drenched now at 3,500ft.

    The chaffing is going to be next level on the way down with wet shorts, ha.


    Ouch. At least the temp didn't drop 30 degrees as well!

  10. 10 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    Yeah, it’s a marathon not a sprint but I’m still a little perplexed about the meltdown.  Pitching and clutch hitting coming apart all at once. I’m hoping it’s just the inevitable swoon that most teams have at some point during the season and they get back on track.

    11 runs in the last 7 games, cold bats. Xander is 4/22 (.181), Devers is 6/26 (.230), JD is 4/21 (.190) and now on the covid list.  It was bound to happen and I don't mind it in August as long as they wake up in September. Schwarber will help out. I'm not sure any team will hang with SF/LAD come October though. 

  11. Explored Quaboag today. Frog bite was on, had about a dozen, most of which 2-4 lbs. First cast I had a pike in the 15-20lbs range. 7'3 heavy jig rod with 50 lbs. braid, couldn't budge it. Stripped about 80-100' of line off. I had the drag almost cranked, put my thumb on the spool to slow it down and put a good slice in it, popped off in some grass after a 2-3 minute fight. Unreal, thought I was in salt water. I see why people ice fish for them now lol


    2-year-old kiddo was very upset about the fish eating "Kermit."

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