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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. Yes that is great. Pretty rare for engines to go like that these days. I browsed some Kia forums and wow. Some of the 2.0 and 2.4 engines only lasted 30-50k miles then in 2017/2018 Kia/Hyundai started acknowledging the issue.
  2. Not sure Robles knows where the pitch or pick-off throw is going when it leaves his hand.
  3. LOL. She says it correctly and is actually learning Spanish. My wife is fluent and speaks to her in nothing but Spanish, I'm on English duty. She definitely communicates more in Spanish than English currently. Pretty amazing how young kids can learn languages, Chomsky was right about that.
  4. I was thinking that, dude can also go 2 innings if need be. I'm still holding out hopes for Valdez in the next few seasons. We have an interesting pattern in our house with our 2-year-old. EVERY NIGHT after dinner she wants to watch baseball. It is the only thing on TV she will watch for more than a minute or two. Has a lot of lingo down and likes to yell "Kike!" I want her to learn "go bridge" next.
  5. Really hoping we will look back in late October to yesterday's Sox game as a "turning point." Just need to figure out the closer situation, Darwinzon?
  6. Heavy rain and just got a couple gusts in the 35-40 range the last 10 minutes.
  7. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 35 miles (55 km) from the center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 150 miles (240 km). Not as small as it looks on imagery. Inflow is amazing to watch.
  8. Core looking a bit more NW than NNW to me. Convection really heading west. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=OKX-N0Q-0-24-100
  9. Only one trip through so far but winds appear to be decreasing, only getting 60 knot gusts.
  10. Weenies looking at models, live satellite and radar: Henri:
  11. Highest rainfall total? I'm thinking somewhere in the Berks/Western CT gets 8."
  12. At least a model is finally showing a decent shield. I laughed when I saw it start out 8-10mb higher than what the recons are finding.
  13. LOL. Well done. Lack of clarity is probably why my dissertation is taking so damn long.
  14. People prepping late. Just grabbed some ice cream from out local gas station. They have only a few hundred gallons left and not expecting a delivery until Monday at the earliest. Meanwhile there were people from nearby towns who drove there because all their stations are out.
  15. I'm feeling some new slides to ski come winter off rt. 2.
  16. Given the mission data and a few hours left over some warm water I bet it is a borderline cat 2 come early morning. Rookie question, anyone know if models run off current or historical SST data? Wonder if it being a few degrees warmer than usual slows the weakening process.
  17. Got me too with the graphics. I was just looking back on the east trend that started around 18z and tried to figure out why the NHC moved it west and have not adjusted east. My more emotionally regulated thought was in uncertainty, if it is close to such a large population center, sit on it and get everyone prepared until more confidence in the alternative to avoid the mental whiplash/windshield wiper effect.
  18. Literally just had this convo with my wife. There is such a psychology piece to this. I would like to think it is about getting people prepared "just in case" but I'm sure it is all about clicks, likes, and views. If you're a little off and it is not as bad, whatever, the weathermen are always wrong. But if you're right, people remember and then you have a viewer/subscriber for life.
  19. Ha! If you can overlook the overdone mb the 3KM is actually modeling Henri's winds quite well comparing it to the live data.
  20. Mission 10 showing 30sec average of 78 knots.
  21. If you read the tweet thread she later clarifies the 1,000,000 number is regionally and includes Mass and NH.
  22. Yup, forget snapped limbs. Lots of uprooted trees.
  23. Maybe my tin-foil hat is too tight but I wouldn't put it past them, given the spankings they received in the past year, to come out and say how they are expecting the worst-case scenario only to "exceed expectations" when they restore to most customers within a few days.
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