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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. Wind maps are not "over doing" for this event, calling it now. Why? Five years of grad school all comes down to this week for me, internship apps due and I really need internet.
  2. He was just flat out good last night. I noticed that but umps were routinely checking for substances between innings. Fox would show it just before breaks. I didn't realize the Yankees complained about the whistling in the 2019 ALCS and MLB agreed but couldn't identify the source. https://www.yahoo.com/now/report-mlb-confirmed-whistling-after-yankees-complained-in-alcs-unsure-if-astros-were-source-145808180.html#:~:text=According to Martino%2C MLB had,to have identified the whistling.
  3. Putting on my tin-foil hat, 98.5 The Sports Hub is going off about the whistling before Astros hits last night and Dusty Baker wearing a smart watch.
  4. Looks like an extended window for snowmaking for Killington starting Friday night. They are going to need a couple hundred gun salute on Superstar every chance they can for the World Cup event next month. Hopefully they are able to find the personnel to make it all happen. I just got caught-up on the "Fast Tracks/Pass" option Powdr is offering. Brilliant move! Less litter under the chairlifts. On a powder day, skiers and riders in NY Giants and Rangers jerseys can easily dispose of their empty Bud Lite cans or cigarette butts by tossing them at "Fast Tracks" holders skipping the lines. There is going to be some serious heckling going on there by the Killington faithful. Mike S.'s comments on it appear as though it will have minimal/no real impact on lines. Probably be cancelled 2/3 months into the season like the last time this was tried.
  5. Driving home from Greenfield area the emergency broadcast system interrupted the Sox game reporting a tornadic cell and tornado on the ground. Never heard that before.
  6. Love the TTTF, it established quickly and came in thick, especially in the shady parts of my yard. I would go lighter when seeding though if I had to do it again, can come in too thick and die off.
  7. I remember this time some years looking for snowmaking windows, not this year. Reddit does a pretty funny collection of "honest" trail maps for those interested.
  8. Yup. Was on the Holyoke section of the river yesterday. Found a one great school where I had a fish or followers on the jerkabit every cast for about 20 minutes. 8-12' seems to be the magic range or the edges of gravel flats that drop from 2-3' into 6-8'. My forearms are sore from so much jerkbait fishing.
  9. They chose the wrong mountains to build on. Cannon for the tram over Blue or Moosilauke. Also had plans for Jefferson and Twin. Could have had multiple ski areas with 2500-3000' of vert, above the tree line, and more snow. Only one Vermont really missed on was Dorset, would have been massive. https://www.newenglandskihistory.com/cancelledskiareas/Vermont/dorsethollow.php
  10. It's like Killington, have to go east-west because the most real vert you can get is 1,300-1500'. Sadly, it's only a matter of time until all mountains have RFID-type systems. I can't believe Berkshire East even has it now. Edit: Damn I stand corrected, can't believe Stowe got rid of them. That was my first experience with them years ago and it was rough.
  11. Newenglandskihistory.com shows some interesting data for skier visits. I would have never guessed Attitash was 3/4 for NH in terms of skier visits throughout the 90s and early 2000s. Wildcat had better numbers than Cannon until 2010-2011. Then just fell off a cliff. I don't know all my pass/industry history but it has never recovered. Wildcat 2007-2008: 112,139 2008-2009: 155,325 2009-2010: 146,884 2010-2011: 77,100 2011-2012: 53, 599 2012-2013: 76,117 2013-2014: 64,400
  12. Completely agree on not being able to function as an indy. Any idea how Waterville survives and continues to put in new lifts/terrain? I imagine the White Mountain Superpass (maybe Indy as well) must help. The power issue is rough, I have only been to Wildcat 5 times, 3 of which they had no power until mid-day or lost it in the afternoon. Just a shape with the terrain they have, the layout, and that quad hauls ass. That Summit Triple has just been a nightmare recent years. Bretton Woods is similar to Stratton imo, all about the polished infrastructure.
  13. There are plenty of "terminal" images from reddit floating around. Looks like Blackrock, Ashmore, UBS, and RBC have big exposure. I'd bet the Chinese government saves their own, scoops up the properties, the west is left holding some heavy bags.
  14. I wish someone would come in and make an offer on Wildcat and Attitash. I can't imagine Vail really wants them anyway. There were so many disgruntled pass holders/locals on social media discussing operations and lack of communication. Wildcat really is a gem and probably one of few places I would ever consider having a place at. Part of the reason why that Crotch-Snow-Cat-Tash pass worked well for Mass/NH folks was because Wildcat would be t2b in October/November. Whereas the other choices were the golf course at Bretton Woods, stairs at K, or downloading at Sunday River.
  15. I feel like Line skis don't get enough love outside the park rat community. Light but stiff like a couple of 2x4s under your feet, perfect for everything from hard pack to fresh snow. That said, the two pairs I owned had a learning curve to them. You have to be way up and charge hard on them to have any control. No such thing as a "neutral" position. Anyone on ON3Ps? I have tried a few pairs and cannot figure those things out. Always feel like I get thrown in back seat on them.
  16. This is true in our town. Not expanding the foot print = $50 permit. They ask for estimated job cost but it does not factor into the permit cost. I installed our wood stove and chimney, was a $1200 job (double walled chimney pipe isn't cheap). I then had the building inspector come out and sign off on it. Forwarded the inspection and approval to our home owners and all was good.
  17. Evergrande in China. Leman Brothers 2.0 almost 13 years to the day. They don't get bailed out there are going to be some big ripples.
  18. Solid data agreement for some good storms later on. The observations: sun is out, seeing dew points in the low-mid 70s on wunderground stations, and a decent west wind. Most robust predictor, at 7am this morning my wife said "It's muggy, can you close the windows and set the A/C?"
  19. Lightning and starting to rumble good here.
  20. Barton's has a lot of them but they move around a lot due to the fluctuations in water level. If they have not opened the dam and water is high then they will be right on the shorelines. If they have recently dropped the water they tend to be on those first breaks in 6-10'. They do always seem to be actively feeding though due to the current and cooler water. When you start getting south on the river where it is more tidal they definitely have specific feeding windows that only last short periods of time.
  21. Sweet! I've been fishing the jig exclusively the past 10-days or so. Ever since those couple of 45* mornings I'm seeing lots of fish with craws in their throat. Thinking about starting to make my own over the winter. Seems pretty simple and I'm sick of breaking 1 or 2 off every time out. Plus, I'm not a fan of a lot of colors and designs out there. I'd model them after this. The original Terminator Top Secret jig from about 10 years ago. A heavy finesse jig, 1/4-1/2 oz with a 3/0 hook, 3" rubber skirt, hidden line tie, rattles, and a wire hanger for keeping the trailer up. Would probably only cost about $3 a jig. Would only need them in a watermelon blue for early in the year, black, and green pumpkin. I do not. Still catch lots of lakers and bows early and late in the year on blades and the drop-shot.
  22. Since February there is a heck of a correlation between crypto-dumps and the meme stocks running. Look at this then compare these dates to your favorite cryptos lol. Not my chart by the way. Already have AMC up 9% today, CLOV up 23%, and GME earnings/announcements tomorrow.
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