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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. Several places around here are already below $4. I actually took the chip out of my truck to enable the V4/AFM system and average an extra 5-6 MPG, worth it to just check the oil level more regularly.
  2. NWS Gray has made FB posts in the past about Sebago enhancing snow which is about 30k acres, the Quabbin is larger than Sebago. That said the shape of Sebago seems to be more favorable.
  3. Quabbin effect, love it. We got over 3-4", more than Berkshire East got that is for sure.
  4. @radarman or anyone else heading to Berkshire East tomorrow? I should be there around mid-day.
  5. NAM thermals for the win. Could be a nice last minute surprise west of 495/84.
  6. Was finally able to watch the "Russian 5" documentary about how the Red Wings got Federov et al. to leave/defect from the Soviet Union the other night, was awesome. For this storm I just hope the ski hills of the Berks get what they need. Some areas of Berkshire East are down to dirt and Catamount might be done after this weekend.
  7. Well ski season is wrapping up. I finally took some time to organize the Bass Pro Shops section of my basement this week. Gear is ready, next week will be prepping the boat. Hopefully get out later in the week as temps will be in the 50s and the ice is melting. Still need 3 more cases for swimbaits and flipping baits and have two other rods coming this weekend that Lews warrantied without an issue. The both broke just below the reel seats last season, which is really strange spot to break a rod. I really liked their customer service and will see if their rods hold up this year. Plan is the local puddles and rivers until Quabbin opens on April 18th, then we move to Maine early-mid June. Should be fun exploring some new areas up there.
  8. Wish this would keep up. Fat flakes and covered in 20 minutes.
  9. Calling it now. @HoarfrostHubb jack at 4-5".
  10. The "what are you afraid of?" line at the end was pretty great. Instead Putin keeps sending in forces to assassinate him. And he can do this.
  11. Check out Meg Kinnard on Twitter. I hope it's Ukrainian propoganda.
  12. Building is definitely on fire now on the CCTV.
  13. Was such a good severe spot I'm getting a "Belchertucky 4 life" tattooed across my lower back. It's insanity. Serious fire fight a little while. Just fire an Iskander in there, what is the worst that could happen? I still can't believe the Ukrainians took down an SU-34, first time due to enemy fire and that is Russia's top of the line stuff.
  14. Maine, probably the Gray/Lewiston area, got an internship up there. All but the dissertation is done at UMass but the RAs will be collecting that data so we are heading out. Oh yea, remember all those closing costs. It's just a personal challenge to me at this point, I have been a bit lazy this year in feeding the wood stove and have gone through more oil than usual. The only time it usually runs is when we are away. The stove can keep the main house 70-72, back room where the stove is usually 76-78. I crank the stove then use the fan of forced air system to pump the heat throughout the house. If I don't then the stove room gets into the 80s. @DavisStraight, not sure if you know about them but I had a friend recently come across a 30" Elm Stove. It will be in safe keeping until we find our next long-term house. It is a beauty.
  15. I haven't really looked since October and just about shat myself. We are just under a quarter tank and the house is going on the market next month. Woodstove will be going 24/7 now.
  16. Definitely agree the low man is punished and some abuse it. The abuse of the system is what will ruin it for the many, or will force companies install some serious monitoring tech on your devices. I think it has also made some start asking- do we really need a 40 hour week in the office to get things done? For me, I was only in the office for 16 hours a week when covid started but all my work only took me about 8-10 hours to complete. I think it does benefit employees looking for new positions. In selecting my next position, all of the places I got interviews to had the same amount of work and same pay, but 2 of them offered remote work 2-3 days a week because they know not everything has to be done in the office. That was the difference maker in selecting where I ended up. It's funny to see the big Ivy league places still have openings for those positions despite interviewing hundreds of people.
  17. All the traffic that went through the Chernobyl area kicked up enough dust that radiation levels rose slightly.
  18. Those videos are wild, the fuel truck convoy one Saturday especially. Starting to see some targeting BUK and GRADs today.
  19. I wonder if they had anything to do with Medvedchuk's escape.
  20. I think lobbing anything, especially older weapons that are not guided with super high accuracy, into civilian areas is. Obviously, if it is similar to a Israel/Palestine situation and rockets are specifically put into hospitals and civilian areas, then it gets a lot more complex. Sorry to be so on the fence, it's the philosophy degree in me. Speaking of a notoriously inaccurate weapon firing into a civilian area. This morning it looks like lots of GRAD fire into Kharkov.
  21. Thanks, some wild footage in there. I saw the video of the person driving around explosions previously and was curious if it was cluster.
  22. Given the amount of pictures of abandoned vehicles not sure they have enough fuel to withdraw. Ukraine is getting a bunch of new tanks and vehicles! Also weather related, spring mud season is so bad the T-90s are getting stuck?
  23. I should have said "partially made up." You got me. You win.
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