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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. I completely understand it now lol. Damn glaciers put beach sand all over the place up here.
  2. Just in the northern part of Gray. I see you're in Raymond, I fish Panther Pond quite often. Euro is on board for everyone north of the Pike.
  3. I will never have the gray experience sadly. Started shaving my head in my mid-20s.
  4. Loving the move to Maine thus far. Wouldn't mind a snow on my birthday, don't think it has happened previously.
  5. When we sold out house we decided to rent our new house in Maine months before we planned to move because utilities were included. And it's an amazing house with a big garage. I imagine come April if we re-new the rent will be jumping up big time. We are very respectful about our usage though and take care of our landlord's responsibilities (landscaping, snow removal) in trying to be good tenants and hopefully it will not be too much of an increase. There are smaller and older homes around us with nothing included $600-800 more per month. Just insane. We would like to hold-off buying for another year but shall see.
  6. Seeing the pics and reports reminded me of living in RI for March 2010. I doubt anything will ever come close to that flooding event in RI. That was awful. Governor Carcieri calling is a "once in a 500 year event." A week straight of gridlock on major roads and highways because of closed roads, running pumps and shop-vacs for days on end without sleep. That was from two 6"+ events in a week span if I remember correctly.
  7. Well fishing in Maine is....incredible. Cracked a few largies over 6 lbs already, and it's some fun fishing. Not staring at electronics in 30-50' for smallies. Which is fun but got old after a season. I think I "over-corrected" in terms of boats. Went from out 16' with a 20hp Merc to this beast. Saw the posting from a gentleman far Downeast, couldn't believe it but was real but hopped in the truck and was worth a 5 hour drive to see. Ended up driving it home that night after a test drive. A mint 19+' Javelin, barn/boathouse kept with a new powerhead on the motor. One of the few bass rigs ever made under 20' that took a 225HP motor.
  8. Does it ever rain in NNE? Since we moved up to Maine I think I've seen water fall from the sky once.
  9. I always thought Quabbin translated is "wind from every f'n direction" lol Of course I move out of the swamp and it's finally cool down there.
  10. Yea this is definitely the toughest spring I have seen at the Quabbin. There were almost 200 boats out last Sunday and hardly saw any fish pics posted on the Quabbin FB forum. Smallies on spinnerbaits are super fun!
  11. Thanks! I'm ready for Maine after my last few weeks fishing in Mass are ending better than I could have dreamed of. Yesterday this one tied the mark of 7lbs 1oz for one of, if not the biggest, to come out the Quabbin. She was long, lean, and just under 25". Ate a heavy football jig in 15'. Thought I was on a rock, so I popped it, and then it took off like a striper. Jumped about 60' out and thought it was a solid 5 pounder. When she got closer to the boat I couldn't believe it. Swam away to drop her eggs later this month.
  12. Seriously, the wind has been so bad lucky to get out on the Quabbin 2 days a week. Constant 2-3 footers. Definitely the worst out there since I moved up here.
  13. Did he get his pass back or is he doing the Bobby Valentine?
  14. Thanks! I saw some tournament results from Crescent and was really impressed. I plan on being there often given it is so close. Very nice! The lakers and salmon are super shallow right now. Lakers are eating any and everything. I went out for an hour on Monday just to test out the boat and grabbed four lakers between 16-24" casting towards shore on blade baits.
  15. Yes, love North Pond. Seen some big pike follow my baits in and caught a lot of big fish there. Was amazed to find big smallies under docks and lily pads in 1-2' of water, not something you see often. One of the best parts was this old 5+ dinosaur while my buddy walked across the street to get us all ice cream. My dad and I got on a pretty fun pattern up there, just cast to any sail boat on a mooring in 4-6' of water and there would be multiple fish under it. @MBRI We are renting the first year until we decide where we want to live. Found a nice house with heat included so we jumped on it.
  16. I haven't enjoyed Sebago the few times I have been, lots of traffic and stunted bass. Crescent and Crystal Lakes are within about 10 minutes of our new place but I plan on spending a lot of time on Thompson and Long Lakes, probably the Androscroggin for pike as well.
  17. Only got out once last week and got a couple small 1-2lbs largies on the blade bait. Boat is now tied to the trailer for Quabbin season. Put about 10-12 hours in sanding and repainting.
  18. For all the offers on our house last week it was lower down payments (5% whereas we put down 10%) and the buyer having to put in 10-20k towards making up the difference in appraisal and sale price.
  19. Seriously it is insanity. Listed our house last Wednesday, open house Sunday with over 80 people and 15 private showings Sunday-Monday. Had multiple offers well above asking (which was 40% above what we paid for it 3 years ago) with no contingencies/inspections by Tuesday. Moving up to Gray, ME for June 1st.
  20. Was out Friday on a local river. Tons of dace, a couple bass on jerkbaits, water was 42-46*. Have a few buddies that have been hitting the CT River in Mass and southern VT. Water had been 38-41*, they have been getting lots of big catfish (8-15lbs) on blades/spoons over deep holes.
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