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Everything posted by WesternFringe

  1. I don't know what the percent is, just wondering how you arrived at your figure. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my wood stove and my snow tomorrow. I didn't see you casting a tear or being worried about for those of us in the southern tier during the 11/15 storm!
  2. I wonder how you arrive at the 5% figure...
  3. I know it is 10:1, but kuchera says expect better than that. I wasn't aware of a rule that says we all go by depth charts. Are the surfaces not cold enough up there? It is 33 degrees down here right now and last night was 26, so there won't be much difference between snowfall and snow depth imo.
  4. 18Z FV3 gives a half an inch to 1 inch of snow to DC
  5. that is at 9:00 am, before any of the models were showing snow in my area, let alone NoVa and DC
  6. I hear you, but not all of us live in the northern part of the forum, so the modeled weather obviously isn't the same . 11/15/18 was snow for you and sleet for me, for example. I was asking about the relative verification scores of the 3k NAM within 24 hours. edit: I thought someone posted a map of snow falling into MD from the 3k. It must have been the virga that was being discussed. My apologies.
  7. You don't think the 3KNAM is a legit model within 24 hours onset? I am asking this seriously
  8. NAM is a short-term mesoscale model that does well inside 24 hours. However, it has the same weakness as the globals (which are kings of medium range timeframes) in that they only update every 6 hours or 12 hours. Inside 12 hours, especially within 5 hours, the short term models gain more weight in consideration since they are run with new data every hour.
  9. BobChill is back, things must be trending well! MBY went from a 150 mile yard whiff on Thursday to likely 4 to 8" in my county north to south. It has been fun tracking this storm since November. NWP is pretty awesome. Will the Canadian take the crown for this storm, with regards to our subforum at least? I know we don't know yet, but I am curious as to what you all think at this point in time.
  10. A little late in the game for ensembles, isn't it? 20 or so hours until onset of precip here, according to many of the models.
  11. I miss Scud, since he would be giving us essential bits of wisdom and insight, like "watch the storm" All joking aside, the high to our north being over-modeled at range has been a blessing. The storm isn't trending north, really. The models are just catching up to the way it was always going to unfold. I hope everyone in this subforum gets in on the game!
  12. Kuchera ratios at 15Z and 18Z tomorrow per the 12Z FV3. Good ratios for all, especially good for mby:
  13. That's the NAM at 60 vs actual, right? The NAM at this range is much more deadly, especially the 3k
  14. I haven't been following it, but didn't Ji post about the JMA being further north than all the models a couple days ago?
  15. I agree with your analysis of the 2 main camps, but even the EURO/GFS/UKMET all moved the precip further north in their latest runs compared to their previous. The magnitude of the trend may not be large, but the direction is clear (as of now) and indicates to me that the final solution isn't locked in or written in stone yet. Or perhaps I am just seeing what I want to see? lol
  16. 0Z RGEM is either a bit north of 18Z with the precip shield, or faster with the precip, or both.
  17. Hours 42 through 50 it does (on TT)
  18. 1545' - What is weird is that I work 18 miles southeast of my house where we got far less and nothing that stuck to roads nor much on the grass. I drove home to a pleasant surprise!
  19. Glad you post here- you are a good poster and one of the many on here I am still learning from! I am encouraged by the north trend for my location (near Staunton). I also root for everyone in this subforum to get snow. We all spend so much time tracking and analyzing and reading about snowstorms that we all deserve one. I got 2" of sleet on 11/15/18, but lived vicariously through all the northern members getting snow. I did get 2" from the Wednesday Norlun (pictured below), so I can't complain given that it is only early December and I now live in the south! I grew up in upstate NY.
  20. I guess it matters where you think you live. I read this to mean Central VA is the southern part of the forum:
  21. That's what we all are doing, other than you with your inane posts.
  22. Thanks, PSU. I am very interested to see if the 12Z Euro comes back north with the precipitation as well.
  23. He's a teacher, and he taught me how to spell who's as well as when to use a question mark. Pretty awesome, isn't he?
  24. Agreed, although I think he means "who's your daddy", not "whose." Back to model discussion, other than the old GFS, hasn't every model in the 12Z suite come north? May not end up being enough to save the DC metro and north crew, but sure would help those in the southern half of this forum (CHO, Staunton, etc.)
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