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Everything posted by WesternFringe

  1. No, but I am only a couple of miles from that VDOT location. Car thermometer said 15 to 18 degrees this morning on my commute. Radio was saying 19 degrees.
  2. Craigsville and Hot Springs had a trace otg this morning out this way. Flurries here at work (Swoope) around 8:00am.
  3. Had ice on the car for the first time this morning.
  4. Staunton (within Augusta County) has education rates similar to Prince William, Stafford, King George, Richmond area, etc. Here is a newer, interactive map: https://statisticalatlas.com/state/Virginia/Educational-Attainment#data-map/county
  5. Real about what?- that many people who live in cities stereotype rural populations as dumb and backwards? I have lived in the valley for nearly 30 years and have met many smart, thoughtful people and seen the arts and music scene thrive. There are doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers, meteorologists, etc that live here just like in urban areas. Sometimes stereotypes are just that.
  6. No need to disparage my county bc of one man. There are plenty of ‘that shit’ in cities, too.
  7. What did you do in Puerto Rico that was so bad?
  8. Talking about snowflakes or ice mixing in for nw Augusta County and areas in the highlands and Alleghenies getting inches and even up to a foot of snow overnight and in the next day or so! Crazy for May 1st
  9. Sleet mixing in with the rain here in Augusta county northwest of Staunton. Car thermometer says 38°
  10. 74°. About 20 mile an hour winds, but just had a gust to 45. North west of Staunton.
  11. Yeah, crazy temp swings this time of year. NWS has a frost watch for Friday night and Saturday it rises to 72
  12. Had frost in the morning and another warning from lwx tonight here in Augusta County, but other than these two evenings, it has been about normal to a little cold this month
  13. It was not really bait as much as it was a comeuppance. He talked a lot of trash about not getting any snow in March and specifically mentioned me to rub it in, one of the only posters on here that just had a 12hr+ snowstorm. He talked a lot of shit and when I called him on it, he disappeared and ran away. He deserved my response and the fact he didn’t respond is telling.
  14. No response to my post responding to your failed attempt at calling me out? Lol
  15. It snowed all day here starting at 10:00 am until sundown and then more overnight on 3/12. It was awesome!! I spent most of the day outside. Went on a Jebride on my atv. Sledded with the kids. Had a fire going in the wood stove. Had about 4” fall that day and overnight, although the roads didn’t get too bad because of ground temps. Had some time off of school for the kids and my wife and I (we are teachers) the next day, which was much needed. I posted pics in the morning that day in the observation thread. Sorry you had nothing in your area and saw no snow when you got home. Nice try at rubbing it in @IronTy, but you picked the wrong guy and failed! Lol I invited you out to the highlands (elevation is cool) but you never showed up! Lolol
  16. Is it a bad sign for snow prospects when you can't tell the difference between the long range thread and the futility thread? lol
  17. I received a few inches above climo that winter, so the blocking helped at least some of us in this sub.
  18. 28° and flurries on my way home from my second job here northwest of Staunton
  19. 35 degrees and flurries intermittent all day here NW of Staunton.
  20. It snowed nearly all day today, from 10:00 to sunset. That was awesome.
  21. Went on a Jebride on my atv. Lots fell today and even though there wasn’t a ton of accumulation, it was a beautiful day!
  22. 30° and snowing here northwest of Staunton. Accumulating only on trees and other elevated surfaces at the moment. eta: Starting to accumulate on the ground. Will update with pictures as the day progresses.
  23. My sister lives north if Albany. They didn’t do well early in the season, but are making up for it now and look to end with more snow than climo. Snowing here in Augusta County right now!
  24. I would create a thread for the ten of us that live out this way, but then we would get predominantly cold rain once again lol. @Buddy1987is looking like he lives in a good spot for this wave
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