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Everything posted by WesternFringe

  1. All the debs who doubt the ensembles overall 500 depictions 10-14 days out are often the same folks that think models’ projected temps must be 100% accurate from 10-30 days out.
  2. The ICON storm we were discussing was on 12/19. You were saying the timing didn't matter because there was no cold to pull from, but there is cold forecasted during that timeframe.
  3. Wrong. If we get a dynamic enough 850 pass, it will pull cold air from aloft and north and we will have ourselves some snow
  4. It literally worked Monday morning for many in the forum.
  5. Even though I am the one that posted about temps, I fully agree with you. It is nonsense all the talk about snow chances being doomed because it is warm 5 days before an event or that weeklies showing 1-2 degree AN mean no snow chances for that entire week.
  6. Just to clarify, I wasn’t trying to say we are in an arctic blast good winter weather pattern, but rather that all the doom and gloom torch comments based on weeklies hasn’t panned out here at least. My area is only about 2 degrees higher than the December average and we haven’t made it yet to the second half of the month which tends to be colder than the first half obviously. In the end, I think there is a decent to good chance that December ends up being very very similar to previous Decembers wrt average temps here in Augusta County. Admittedly, I don’t follow metro temps closely, but given the latest guidance from the ops I would not be surprised to see DCA within a degree of normal when averaged at the end of the month. Time will tell.
  7. Wait, I thought December was already declared a torch and a sea of warm based off of the weeklies a couple weeks ago!?! In reality, so far December has produced snow for many in the sub-forum and it feels pretty cold with lows in the low 20s and highs in the 40s here this week with more of the same on the way over the next week plus.
  8. Again, 2-3 degrees warmer than average isn’t warm in late December. And what does the 2 degree departure from average over an entire week have to do with discrete snow chances? What were the average temp anomalies for the week where I just got 2.7” and much of this board got 1-4”?
  9. Ended up with 2-3" on the ground before the melting started. Enough for a 2-hr delay!
  10. Just hearing thunder snow for the first time south to north
  11. All (wet) snow has started! ETA: pouring snow
  12. 37°, but equal amounts of snow and sleet mixing with rain now
  13. Rain mixing with sleet and a random huge snowflake mixing in, too! nw of Staunton
  14. 39° and rain, models show it flipping to mix and then snow in less than 2 hrs. Fingers crossed Meanwhile, Cowboys vs Eagles with the wood stove!
  15. Looks like 1-3” and 32° for western part of our county! We take!
  16. But it was never forecast to changeover until…..
  17. Sorry, at times I can’t tell the difference between those on here who have been legit panicking and debbing and those employing sarcasm.
  18. It was never forecast to start as anything but warm rain, but if it is stressing y’all out, there is a panic room!
  19. Rain and thunder with 55° here in Augusta County NW of Staunton
  20. Any way to zoom out that map a little more? Lol I think it says 2-4” for Augusta County, but not really sure!
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