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About klw

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Norwich, VT

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  1. How much have you gotten so far this season?
  2. 8.4 was the storm total here. Depth is above two feet but would need to go find an undisturbed spot the dogs haven't trampled at some point to be sure.
  3. I open the photo in Paint and resize to 30%. That usually does the trick
  4. All flakes now. Will my snow stake be all covered by am? Just now is the above with yesterday afternoon below.
  5. Are you able to tell how close it is to me now? I am just E of the N at the end of Royalton.
  6. https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbHVtZGsxdzlreTF4OHEyMDhlb2xvd2VpcTZwdGNnYXFjbHVnem16ciZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/VVqnb89ViiDHftKA2z/giphy.gif
  7. We switched to light sleet about 10:15 after another 2.5. 5" total so far.
  8. only 2.5 here so far as we got dry slotted early, hopefully we can make up by holding off the mix longer. 19f
  9. I think we have had 1.5" so far but low confidence due to drifting. all snow so far.
  10. It is the default so I knew what you meant but having lived close to the RI RTE 2 and VT Rt 2 at various times means it stands out to me. Next time we attempt to define the zones of NE weather, using RTE 2 would be a way to do so.
  11. The Route 2 in Rhode Island or the Route 2 in Connecticut or the Route 2 in Mass or the Route 2 from the VT/NY border into Maine? sorry it is a pet peeve of mine
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