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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Same here, Tropical Tidbits seems to have stalled or craped out.
  2. Still would love to see what Nantucket got. I know they had about 0.49" this morning of liquid but curious what they got out of that in terms of snow. Seems MYV is the jack in this so far based on the BOX Map.
  3. Nice sheet of sleet and Ice here on the porch, walkway and driveway. Light snow as of now. Been going on for about an hour as of now.
  4. 1.0" last night brings storm total to 3.6". Season total is 26.9" so far. Hope to see some squalls today.
  5. About a couple of inches or so here right now. Not expecting much more from here on out. Light snow right now.
  6. Heavy snow here. Haven't seen much sleet at all.
  7. Same here so far in Wilmington Nice steady moderate snow
  8. All I was really getting at was it more logical at this time span to use the Mesoscale models then the Global models GFS, CMC, ICON (If anybody really uses it at all). Hell, I'll check at 18Z and 0z to see what the Euro shows but mostly I would stick to the Mesos at this stage. JMHO.
  9. I said the short range models. You just assumed the Euro and just named the HRRR which is a short range model which I just stated. You seem a little confused.
  10. Most VT, Northwestern, MA, Central NH, and ME, most of the northern peeps. Short range models are the way to go right now bank on it. I've seen this situation before.
  11. Gee, now, I wonder why those particular group of characters would react to my statement like that? Hmmmmm I wonder…..
  12. I trust the shorter range models more for this now than the medium range at this stage.
  13. Keep the Ice Storm potential away please. Ice sucks! Period! It is the most dangerous form of precipitation know to man and beast.
  14. The Rutland amount looks a little weenish. Did they lean that stick?
  15. That ribbon of snow seemed to provide a 3-5" swath from Western / Southwestern, CT all the way to Eastern, Northeastern, MA. Not bad.
  16. Started very light flurries here a moment ago.
  17. I'm not only the President of the Anafront for Weather, but I'm also a client.
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