Still would love to see what Nantucket got. I know they had about 0.49" this morning of liquid but curious what they got out of that in terms of snow. Seems MYV is the jack in this so far based on the BOX Map.
All I was really getting at was it more logical at this time span to use the Mesoscale models then the Global models GFS, CMC, ICON (If anybody really uses it at all). Hell, I'll check at 18Z and 0z to see what the Euro shows but mostly I would stick to the Mesos at this stage. JMHO.
I said the short range models. You just assumed the Euro and just named the HRRR which is a short range model which I just stated. You seem a little confused.
Most VT, Northwestern, MA, Central NH, and ME, most of the northern peeps. Short range models are the way to go right now bank on it. I've seen this situation before.