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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Wilmington, MA

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  1. I've been watching these models carefully so far, this weak La Nina season. It appears that we do have a few chances at potentially significant snow, but the final track will determine the exact amount for sure. The good thing is we get to see a few decent potential chances here, that's always good to see.
  2. Nice here, very festive with all the Xmas lights on with this snow falling.
  3. Same thing all the time. Storm around the 19th looked somewhat good, now the high is too slow from the upper Midwest and the southeast ridge a little too strong. Giving us here in Southern New England a general shut out but cold Xmas anyways. Go figure.
  4. To be totally honest here. I knew that was an error. Try more like 0.72" of snow and that would be the most realistic at Logan Air Strip. If this storm had actually yesterday held serve and went into a more favorable direction, we were looking at a February 1967 KU like storm but of course that obviously didn't happen. I believe I stated something like that yesterday.
  5. I was thinking initially the typical classic shadow valley effect but that is one hell of a difference! Evan a 6 hourly measuring technique wouldn't account for that big of a difference. Just wow.
  6. They deserve it. They usually get skunked a lot especially this season till now. I don't have to wait as long as the immediate Northshore coastline though. Jan 6-7 helped with that.
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