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Everything posted by Geoboy645

  1. Yeah apparently there is an ice jam on the fond du lac just below downtown. In Lodi there was a jam on spring creek in between town and Lake Wisconsin and with Darlington it's just natural flooding from the Pecatonica. I wonder if the ice jams aren't because there is a bunch of water trying to get into still very frozen lakes.
  2. Just drove around the area a bit. Water is the highest since 2008, it's even higher than last august's flooding. No local road closures yet but wouldn't be surprised if we get some in the morning.We are so screwed if we get any major rain event at all this spring. These conditions are very similar to the antecedent conditions before 08.
  3. Well looks like the entire NW part of the Midwest is under a flood watch or hydrological outlook now. Some rivers may hit major flood stage by the end of the week here.
  4. Considering it looks like this week is going to be the start of the melt, might as well start a thread for flooding. This year looks to be a potentially very interesting year in the Mississippi basin for flooding. Several areas have already high soil moisture and with the pretty extreme snowpack up north, we could be in for some major issues come early April.
  5. lol that nyc snowhole. You can hear the weenies dying inside right now.
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