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Everything posted by Geoboy645

  1. Funny how one week of below freezing temperatures make 36 go from blecch to nice.
  2. Only got to 15 last night. Had some cloud cover that kept things warmer than they would've been otherwise.
  3. Wow. Wonder when's the last time Wisconsin had the coldest spot in the country?
  4. It got down to all of 5 degrees here last night.
  5. Same difference. Both are notorious spots in winter for being colder than everywhere else.
  6. What, Lone Rock coldest spot in the area? That's crazy talk. /s
  7. Temperatures are definitely going to drop tonight. It's clear and there's a fresh snowpack on the ground. We will easily hit the upper single digits at this rate with a decent shot at lower single digits. It is way too early for this crap.
  8. We have easily blown by the initial predictions of 3" here for this storm. We are probably at 5-6" of snow on the ground going off the cars and sidewalks look. This means coupled with last weeks 3" and 5" events we are now over a foot for the season. And it's only November 6th! To put i one perspective last year I think i was early-january before we had a foot for the season.
  9. Got down to 14 here last night. I was a little surprised by how cold it got, like I was expecting 20 or so but 14?!
  10. Got about 4" or so here total. Add that to the 3" I got monday night and I am already at 7" for the year. Hopefully we can keep it up most of the winter. I'd gladly take such an early start for an early end over what's been going on the last 2 years.
  11. Has been snowing pretty good here all night. I easily have 3" or so in the ground with another couple hours yet of snow. Theres actually snow packed on some of the roads. It really feels more like Christmas than Halloween. I'm going to be so ticked if we have this on Halloween but Christmas is green.
  12. Looks like 3" or so is forecasted here. This feels like im talking the weather before Thanksgiving not Halloween.
  13. I got about 2" from this storm. It's actually kind of pretty right now with the snow sticking to the trees and branches. I'd imagine we are not going to have very many leaves on the trees after this week.
  14. Looks like we got put under a WWA for tonight's snow. Not really surprised considering how early it is.
  15. MKX is saying 2-3" around here of snow for tonight. I wasn't really expecting this today not going to lie.
  16. Is that 10 inches over me? Getting started the same way we left off last year I see.
  17. A reminder that fall is just around the corner. Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Marquette MI 330 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2019 MIZ002-004-009-010-084-231200- Ontonagon-Baraga-Gogebic-Iron-Southern Houghton- Including the cities of Ontonagon, L`Anse, Ironwood, Iron River, Kenton, and Sidnaw 330 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2019 /230 PM CDT Thu Aug 22 2019/ ...PATCHY FROST POSSIBLE OVER THE INTERIOR WESTERN UPPER PENINSULA TONIGHT... Temperatures are expected to drop well into the 30s tonight, with the coldest temperatures approaching freezing forecast over far southern Houghton and Baraga, northern Iron, and far eastern Gogebic and Ontonagon Counties. A few other low lying locations could also drop to near freezing tonight. Patchy frost may develop in or near these areas. If you have sensitive outdoor plants take care to ensure they are covered overnight. $$ KCW
  18. Well here we go with the flooding here. We got about 2.5 inches or so on Friday. Not that big of a deal right. Well everything is so wet here that it's flooding as if we got 4 or 5 inches. And we are supposed to get a bunch the next two days.
  19. As someone who is going camping this weekend at Devils Lake, this sucks a lot. Hopefully I don't get flooded out like that area has a tendency to do in a heavy rain situation. Also this is just going to do wonders for our rivers. The farmers are never going to get in their fields. It never ends!
  20. I totally agree with the 2008 redux concerns for the next few months. What sucks is that because of how the Wisconsin is it can't really hold a lot of water like it did in 2008. If I remember right the Wisconsin really didn't flood that much by itself, it was mostly the tributaries like Dell Creek and the Baraboo that were the issues. Also was that park the one pretty close to the catholic church?
  21. Yeah after a pretty nice week last week this whole week has just been blehh. At least the sun should be out for most of the weekend here and inland at least it might get near 70 on Saturday and Sunday.
  22. Yeah it looks pretty bad throughout Illinois and along the Mississippi. Bad thing is it looks like the extended forecast is much of the same except maybe a bit north. Our main-stem rivers up here are already higher so any major rains could send them back into flood stage for the third time this year. And we haven't gotten into the real wet part of the year. If we have a weather pattern similar to last august's we are going to be in major trouble. 2008 v2 anyone?
  23. Obivously this month is going to make last April look like March 2012. /s
  24. It's starting to get pretty bad here. The water has flooded the entire park below the bridge and is about halfway through the school's front parking lot and starting to flood the street a bit. The river is still going up too. I got a feeling the main road to 16 is shut at the river. If 16 gets flooded were in a world of crap getting out of town.
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