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Everything posted by Geoboy645

  1. All snow here right now. I have probably got 3-4" although its hard to tell with all the drifting going on. It's been a very pretty snowstorm. So far so good for MKX's prediction of 5-6". In fact if rates continue like this I wouldn't be surprised if we go a little over.
  2. Yeah I would use Madison over MIlwaukee for a close reporting station. Different low temp regimes with lake and all. Edit: Actually just looking at the graphs for Madison, we have never recorder a year with no lows below zero.
  3. I got down to -3 out here. It's my first below zero reading all winter and it's january 17th. That''s got to be pretty close to a record right?
  4. Well MKX has me at 5-6" for this event which seems reasonable. Nice thing is that since we really didn't get melting in the last week, there should be enough for the snowmobile trails to start running which is always good. Will be my biggest snowfall of the actual winter if predictions are accurate.
  5. Ahh yes, the good ole 5" special truly an event like no other.
  6. Heres MKX's snowfall map from this "storm". So, so disappointing. Only getting 5 inches when you're supposed to get a foot at one point is really great y'know.
  7. MKX finally posted the top weather event of the last year and the last decade. https://www.weather.gov/media/mkx/WCM/2019wisconsinevents.pdf https://www.weather.gov/media/mkx/WCM/2010swisconsinevents.pdf One thing to note is that they are for the entire state, not just the CWA. I agree with the lists for the most part, my only complaint would be the disappointing lack of the Dec,20,2012 blizzard that dumped like 20 inches in parts of the state. Other than that thing, they are pretty good lists.
  8. I am not getting my hopes up at all after the last storm.
  9. As I always say, some people just have incredibly high expectations for winter in this sub-forum.
  10. Didn't Madison verify at least once last year? It's weird, I'm only 30 miles NE and I have verified warnings like 3 times since the beginning of last year.
  11. That could be coastal flooding in a noreaster in like Boston. This is got to be one of the first times there has been actual storm surge from Lake Michigan.
  12. So I went from a bonafide winter storm warning and like 10" of snow, to not even being in the ADVISORY. This sucks. A lot.
  13. Yeah this is pretty dissapointing, I mean 6-8" isnt a minor storm, but it's not the foot that was looking to happen at one point. Ahh well I'll try to enjoy this one and he who knows maybe that GFS run will come to fruititon.
  14. I am going to say that thank god there isn't a snowpack right now over southern Illinois and Indiana. Otherwise we'd have a repeat of Nebraska last year.
  15. I am getting excited for this storm. Even MKX is starting to get on board with things and they have downplaying this storm all week.
  16. For me 2019 was one really weird year. My top 10 goes like this for the year. #1 March 14-16 Flooding- The 2nd biggest flooding event locally after 2008. Was mainly caused by our decently large snowpack melting all at once and getting blocked up by the ice that was still on area lakes. Was only the second time that there was evacuations because of flooding, and only the second time that water got all the way up into my school's parking lot. Overall a pretty memorable event. #2 Late January Cold Blast- The coldest temperatures that my area has seen since 1996. I got down to -32 here with -50 windchills. I didn't leave the house at all for three days. The only time I have been truly worried about the cold affecting my house. #3 Last Winter's Crazy Snow Stretch- From about January 17th to February 18th I received over 45"+ of snow. That is just an absolutely crazy number. Madison received 36" in the same period, but I got more snow in several of the storms so I figure it was at least 45". Included a 20" snow depth at one point during the cold blast before getting mostly melted during Super Bowl weekend. It promptly rebuilt itself to about another 15" of depth on the 18th. Up there with 2007-08 for craziest stretch of snow in the last 20 years. #4 55 degrees on Christmas- 2nd warmest Christmas for Madison at 55 degrees. It was so weird being outside on Christmas day with nothing more than a hoodie. What was also so weird was the fact that there was no wind. Just very odd weather for Christmas Day. Especially after the next event on the list. #5 This Winter's Early Start- The snowiest day on record in October for Madison. It felt like January outside the whole day. It also left us with a snowpack on the first day of November and coupled with a couple snowfalls the next week led to that mid-winter like stretch on veteran's day week. I think we are still ahead in the snow total department at the end of December form that stretch. Hopefully we can repeat that pattern come January. #6 Mid-July Heatwave- I wasn't around for this event but from what I have heard it was a pretty humid heatwave ala Mid-July 2016. Had some pretty good squall lines come through too, nothing like up north had but still notable. Fortunately I was up in Minnesota at the time so I didn't have to deal with it. #7 Cold and Wet Spring- The winter pattern continued through most of the spring leading to Farmers not getting into their fields until June in some places, if at all. This spring also had more late snowstorms including one on the last weekend of April I unfortunately had to camp in. Just a very blahh spring overall. #8 Early October and Late May flooding- More minor events compared to the March flooding but still notable. I'd say they were less than the August 2018 flooding here but more than the July 2015 floods. #9 Fog at -4 degrees- On February 19th we had fog at -4 degrees here. It kind of sucked walking through going to school, being extremely cold and a bit damp at the same time. Just a very unusual event #10 Thunder-Ice- Another very unusual event. Not everyday you hear thunder when it's pouring freezing rain. Had rainfall (icefall?) rates very similar to thunderstorms and some pretty loud thunder too. Did give me my first thunder of the year so Yay? As you can see 2019 was a crazy year around here. Probably the most consistently crazy year of the decade.
  17. Is that 540 over Miami? Don't see that every day.
  18. See, I knew getting that early snow was a bad sign for winter.
  19. That gradient on the south side there could be interesting. I might get 2 inches while Portage gets 8.
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