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Everything posted by Geoboy645

  1. Well yesterday we got out first rain event of the spring. Just a few showers before they switched to snow. Barely any accumulation form the snow either. This weekend looks great though. 53 on Saturday and 61(!) on Sunday. Definitely in Spring now.
  2. 53 forecasted here today. The next week is predicted to be in the 40's which will kill what is left of our snowpack. I am also ready for Spring here.
  3. Well time to say the bye to the Ohio and Lower Mississippi. Again...
  4. My preliminary grade would probably be C+ or B-. After that crappy December and 1st week of January, the winter really turned around. I have had a snowpack basically since the 15th of January and it was pretty deep at some points. It was deep enough to have the snowmobile trails open for an extended period of time which is always good. We did get pretty warm at some points, but in a good way. I will say that that like 14 day stretch of clouds was pretty bad though. Snowfall wise we have had 32" or so since mid-January. The best storm the winter was probably the overperformer last week. It had heavy and attractive snow in the day, and was our largest snow of the year. Another plus is that it hasn't been super cold. We have had 2 or 3 periods that I would consider pretty cold, but nothing like last year. Only reason why this winter isn't higher is because of December and Early January. That wasn't great at all. So yeah overall C+ or B-
  5. Can't leave out something that doesn't exist .
  6. Huh, I am a bit surprised by that. Then again I have gotten more snow up here a few times that may have boosted my depth. Or I am really bad at estimating snow depth which is probably the case .
  7. Has it been that long? I could've swore we have had deeper depths like after the 2012 blizzard or last year.
  8. Well this way overperformed. I easily got 5" out right now. It is a very pretty snowfall with all the snow on the branches and trees. I don't think I can complain too much about this winter anymore.
  9. It's coming down pretty good here too. I would say at least 2-3" rn going by the sidewalks.
  10. I figured it was a good time to start this thread as the North Central River Forecast Center just came out with their first spring flood forecast. https://www.weather.gov/ncrfc/LMI_ROF_NFP_SpringHydroOutlook Initial prognosis is that this year has a high potential of flooding along the Upper Mississippi and surrounding rivers. Factors for this forecast include how wet the soils still are from last year, the fact that a lot of rivers in the midwest are having really high flows for this time of year, and the heavy and wet snowpack up north. Basically if any area gets a large amount of rain this year they are going to possibly have some significant flooding. Oh yeah and not too mention the extremely high levels of the Great Lakes which will undoubtedly go up through the spring. In fact, Lake Michigan-Huron is only a few feet away from flood stage. Overall this year looks to be a very interesting year in the Midwest for flooding.
  11. -15 here. I am not surprised at all by Black River Falls being -33, they are always like the coldest spot in the area. Them and Lone Rock.
  12. I probably have about 7-8 inches OTG. Definitely the largest storm of the year for me.
  13. Totally ripping outside right now. Easily 1"+ an hour rates, definitely the heaviest snow rates this season. MKX is still saying 5-7" here, but the way it is snowing if we get this for any appreciable amount of time we'll probably go over that amount. Also it's pretty mice having a daytime snowfall.
  14. Just got put under a Wsw. Mkx is saying 5-8 inches here which I would agree with. If we get more than 6 that will be our biggest storm so far. This should rebuild our snowpack.
  15. This will be an interesting one to watch. Not expecting too much here as I am more to the east, but still could be a decent hit.
  16. I swear it is becoming a new tradition to have you guys get flooded out in February.
  17. A repeat of last February would be pretty nice to say the least.
  18. I hate when it is like this. It is so boring and depressing outside, especially with it being warm enough to melt the snowpack.
  19. Ok alek can you quit with the rain stuff? Everyone has got it that you are calling rain, so you don't need to constantly fill this entire thread with videos and low-quality one line posts. It is getting really annoying, especially for those of us that want to actually have a good discussion about this storm.
  20. Anyway, MKX is saying another 3-5" for here. Not a whole lot,but hey that should put our snowpack up to 10" or so. That should be enough to open snowmobile trails for a while and hey 10" is a decent snowpack in itself.
  21. The models could show a GHD 1 repeat and alek would still call it a rainer and stick to it.
  22. My total for this storm is roughly 5" or so.
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