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Everything posted by Geoboy645

  1. Los Angeles is about to go full NYC in April I feel like.
  2. Around here we finished up with 5-6" of snow. It was a pretty nice first snowstorm, not too much to write home about. At least it looks like December for a few days.
  3. I say now we are up to 4-5" of snow out htere. The snow is wet, but not cement. I do feel like if we had a cold ground and pavement from the beginning we would defintely have another inch or two on the ground. Overall though a pretty nice storm to really start off the winter.
  4. So far I would say we got about an inch or so on the ground. Roads really got bad here in the last 3-4 hours.
  5. Yeah I think 4-5" is a good final call here. This storm will be a longer one though, it's starting now and won't really get done until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Sometimes though those are the best storms. The snow should last a few days at least, as it looks like we will be in the upper 20's until the middle of next week.
  6. MKX's first call is 2-4". I think that's pretty accurate. I guess I can't complain too much, it's snow which is much needed right now.
  7. Don't you love our new winter of January 15th to April 15th?
  8. Joe Bastardi and Scientific Community really don't belong in the same sentence.
  9. I hope we can break this pattern come January cause otherwise we may seriously have an 11-12 2.0. Also make this the 4th year in a row and the 6th out of the last 10 to have a warm and dry december. This gets really really old after a while.
  10. Now I am home here in Columbus, it is compltelty different here. we have a solid 1-2" on the ground with a ton of melting going on after the rain. It is super foggy out rn and has a January Thaw type of feel outside.
  11. Has been pretty much all mood flakes and/or white rain here. No accumulation at all.
  12. Whatever happens with next week's storm, it looks like the airmass after it will be our first real wintry aimrass of the season, not counting whatever the heck happened the week before halloween. It'll be nice to get in a much more active pattern, the last few months have been pretty boring outside of the Election day warmth, the mid-october cold snap, and the tropics.
  13. I think tomorrow will be an inch or so up here as we will probably get some flow off Green Bay keeping us a bit warmer before the transition hits. Down home it'll probably be more like 2-3" on grassy surfaces before the transition.
  14. You know what's another really horrifying fact. That our death toll is now basically equal with Madison's total population. That means we have lost an amount of people equivalent to the entire city of Madison in all of 8 months. Holy s*** that is a lot of people just gone now. And that is not even talking about excess deaths and the people affected by all of these deaths. Edit: Or for all of you don't know how truly big that is. That is equivalent in Ohio to 92% of Toledo just being gone. Or in Illinois it would be the new 2nd largest city in the state. Or in Indiana it would be 93% of Fort Wayne. It would be the new largest city in Iowa. You get the picture. It's an unimaginably large number that is just going to get higher quicker unless we do something.
  15. To put it in horrifying perspective, today alone would be the 8th deadliest disaster in U.S history pre-pandemic. This is why we need to shutdown again, cause otherwise in a month this will be considered a low day. God we are so so so f***ed.
  16. Yeah its not everyday you see 25+ ft waves on Lake Erie. The Upper Lakes sure, but Lake Erie? And what's even crazier is that at least part of the shore will be expirincing them too, unlike Lake Superior where they tend to stay out in the lake itself. At least the lake levels aren't quite as high as they were a year ago, still going to cause a ton of damage though. Also a huge difference of water height too, as Buffalo will be over 7.5ft above lake datum while Toledo will be over 7.5ft below lake datum. A classic Witch of November.
  17. Honestly even if the celebrations on Saturday do cause a bunch of outbreaks they might just be little blips on the already extreme background rate.
  18. Meanwhile while we are all arguing in the covid thread, has anyone noticed that we could get some serious winds with this next storm on Sunday? Edit: and some serious waves too. NWS has up to 21(!) feet on Lake Superior later on Sunday. This is going to be a classic November Great Lakes storm.
  19. https://www.nbc15.com/2020/11/12/covid-19-is-so-bad-in-wisconsin-dhs-needed-a-whole-new-category/ I don't know what's worse, the fact that they had to make a new category or the fact that all but 7 counties are already in it.
  20. I will note that France and some of the other European countries are now starting to get hit bad with deaths. Considering they went truly insane about 2 weeks before we did I could see us unfortunately start to do the same thing here in a week or two.
  21. 10 bucks its Tuesday to really add insult to injury.
  22. If South Carolina is so great, then why the hell are you in the Great Lakes forum? Doesn't the Southeastern forum have a COVID thread?
  23. Well wisconsin just had another record day of 5262 cases 64 deaths and a 27.1% positivity rate. At this rate we will be in full healthcare collapse in a couple weeks if that.
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