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Everything posted by Skywalker03

  1. Moderate snow (thanks trix) in Derwood. Flake size has increased. Winter wonderland!
  2. No big flakes here in Derwood (north Rockville) -- it's been a steady light "small flake" snow for most of the morning. Driveways and side streets are covered. Kid's daycare just let out early.
  3. Light snow in Derwood (north Rockville, Bob Chill country), sticking to roofs and driveways. There is such a gradient in MoCo I still have no idea what to expect here. Trying to enjoy what we get. Good luck to those out west/north who have higher expectations -- hope you cash in!
  4. Rain snow mix in north Rockville (Derwood). Big fat flakes!
  5. Can confirm. That was a heavy downpour!
  6. Finally over to mostly snow in Derwood. Starting to see the grass whiten. Nice wintry scene, so I'll take it.
  7. Coming home from DC on the Red Line. All rain at Grosvenor to 50/50 rain snow mix at Shady Grove. Heading to the house now. Looking forward to the heavies.
  8. Snowing in Derwood. Our side road is covered.
  9. Just changed to almost all snow and sleet here in Derwood. Starting to see some stickage on the deck!
  10. Big flakes mixing in with the rain here in Derwood, MD
  11. Learning question: Does 50/50 refer to longitude/latitude? If so, doesn't that map show a 50/70 L? If I understand correctly, we want a strong system there because it funnels cold air into our area, right?
  12. Flurries in NE DC near Union Station. First flakes of the season!
  13. I'm right next to Union Station, about to head out. Rain and wind has commenced!
  14. Been pretty dry here in Derwood the past few days with storms firing all around us. Finally getting some much needed rain right now though. Radar doesn't look great but I'll take what I can get.
  15. Grass starting to whiten here in Derwood. Another wintery day...
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