Oscillating between peeks of sun and a full on snowglobe here in Derwood. Right now it is getting brighter but flakes are still flying. I stopped measuring but we clearly got additional accums from the band this morning.
Snowing again in Derwood with this next band that's rotating into MoCo.
Took the kids up to Germantown late in the afternoon for some sledding at the Rec park and got to enjoy the deathband as it rotated through -- felt like a snowglobe for a while so I can check that off the list for this storm.
Finally seeing some legit flakes in Derwood after a mix of freezing drizzle and sleet for most of the day.
Willing those yellows in NE MD all the way down here, in whatever shape they might be left in...
About 3" in Derwood. Been outside with the kids twice now and enjoyed every second. Took the advice of many and stopped watching the models and instead enjoyed the snow TV instead. Hoping for another round next weekend!
Checking in from Derwood MD. Beautiful scene, over 1 inch now. Grass is starting to disappear. Will be taking my 3 and 5 year olds out soon for fear they might burst from all the excitement!
Got a little over 1 inch here in Derwood. Still getting light snow. Took the kids out during the height of it and had a great time. At this point I’m happy with whatever we get!