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Everything posted by etudiant

  1. These are projects fueled by supersonic cash courtesy of the Fed. There is zero real world utility for these fantasies, the time saved flying is used up by the airport vaccine checkin. Too much money chasing too few ideas.
  2. Just astounding flooding from what had been seen as a second grade storm. Stay safe!
  3. Very nice shot of a Carolina Wren family. They are astonishingly loud for such a small bird.
  4. Just switch to the African Robusta coffees, they are more potent as well as cheaper. The Hawaiian Konas are sinfully expensive, but if you can afford the Peaberry, go for it, you only live once.
  5. Why do you think that is the case? India is much hotter than the expected median global temperature after the most extreme Global Warming, yet seems civilized to me. I've no argument that things will not get very messy, but find the 'we'll all collapse' scenario deeply implausible.
  6. Think that is over the top, extinction is not in the cards even with the outlier scenarios. Huge losses and major disruptions though are pretty much baked in the cake. We could help keep the damage to a minimum, but would need to convince China and India that climate change has greater risks than dire poverty. Thus far, that has been a ' no sale'. Ideally, there would to be an alternative, ideally a cheap and reliable nuclear power design, fusion, fission or whatever. so no greenhouse emissions and the capacity to power an electric surface transportation system. Nothing has materialized as yet though.
  7. The trade press is reporting surging Asian coal shipments and notes parenthetically that China is building more coal power plants than currently exist in the rest of the world outside of the US and India. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/asia-coal-demand-surge-in-stark-contrast-with-u-n-climate-warning/ I guess they are skeptical about the seriousness of climate change.
  8. I don't either, but as that is true for many other well regarded posters, it surely reflects my ignorance. Frankly, this stuff just is not easy, so kudos to those who catch a glimmer!
  9. Nobody keeps bobcats any more apparently, even though they are efficient and non discriminatory predators that eat cats and rats both as available. Agree on the mantis part, our home grown variant seems to be doing about as well as the native humans did, not so good. Have to wonder whether there is some genetic difference that makes the locals more vulnerable.
  10. Have to say that extent never seemed like a useful measure to me, but perhaps specialists could clarify that aspect. Area is where it is at imho, while also recognizing that PIOMAS is really the ground truth.
  11. Is there access outside of the paywall? I could not find it. I did just that, quoting the last sentence of the summary, which you've helpfully added in full.
  12. Agree that that is a new one to join the throng, apparently first found in PA around the turn of the century, but spreading since across most of the US. We do have plenty of native stink bugs to keep it company though.
  13. Just the non paywalled section. The punch line: These results reveal spatially consistent empirical evidence that, in the course of the last century, the AMOC may have evolved from relatively stable conditions to a point close to a critical transition. Sounds like a plausible hobgoblin to me.
  14. Nope, 100% American. Maybe climate change has expanded their range a bit.
  15. I actually did read the paper and was tempted but refrained from quoting HL Menken: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. I believe it to be quite apposite in this case, grant seeking researchers are no different from politicians, they make their case on the 'if it bleeds, it leads' principle.
  16. As Mark Twain said: "That's the wonderful thing about science, you get such a wholesale return in conjecture on such a trifling investment of facts'.
  17. Afaik, the Spotted Lantern Fly is a gift from Asia, coming in courtesy of poorly vetted imports.. Not sure if cutting down on our purchases of cheap Chinese junk such as IPhones would help much at this point, although perhaps it might prevent the Barred Lantern Fly and equivalent in the future.. Frankly, with the Asian Ash Borer and the Asian Long Horned beetle also both now well established here, I hear the sound of barn doors getting slammed shut somewhat belatedly....
  18. Afaik, there is no effective treatment currently. Ideally, there would be a specialized predatory wasp or something, but it has not been found as yet. Guess that stomping them is at least modestly satisfying, even though it is quite futile.
  19. Seems we have lots to be humble about, judging by the forecast performance to date. Admittedly, we are just at the start of the real hurricane season, but the reduced forecast by JB at least suggests that.
  20. Amen to that! Wasting is a sin, although I'm not sure Fluffy ever considered that aspect.
  21. Afaik, they do actually eat, unlike some other adult insects, so they can last longer than you might think Still, appreciate the mental image of a lonely cicada belting out its courtship song into an empty void....
  22. Buy coffee, the cold in Brazil will really impact supply. Maybe switch to Red Bull?
  23. Interesting to hear, they have likewise just really begun to be heard here in NYC Central Park. I've only seen one thus far on my daily walks, but there are scattered individuals audible as well. There is nothing like the 'brood of the century' hype that was widely posted in the media. In fact, thus far it is a pretty spotty performance, even compared to last year.
  24. Love gardeners. They are the truth squad in the climate wars. Can't claim cooling if the beans fill in a couple of weeks earlier than previously. Here in NYC our first Day Lilies blossomed around June 20th, they usually are an Independence Day phenomenon.
  25. Surely true, but I'd really like some modeling explanation why there is a 40 year cooling trend in both East as well as West Antarctica. It just seems a weird anomaly that needs to be understood.
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