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Everything posted by etudiant

  1. The frenzy about a small incremental oil lease sale is just laughably disconnected from reality. We buy a half trillion dollars worth of Chinese goods every year, so much that China is short of power for its factories and hence is massively expanding its coal fired generating capacity. Sadly China too has discovered that nuclear, although excellent in terms of the CO2 footprint, is totally uncompetitive in terms of cost and time to build. A solution might be a 200% tariff on Chinese imports, which would crush these planned coal fired generation projects. Does anyone advocate that?
  2. Better option would be to find a bug or bird that really relishes Lantern Flies. That has minimal side effects and is pretty much self regulating, Maybe China would sell it to us cheap, seen that they gave us the Lantern Fly and the Emerald Ash Borer.
  3. Honestly, this is surreal. China is building more new coal fired capacity annually than we and Europe currently operate together, while we argue about ways to limit sunlight input. Does not anyone see a problem here?
  4. Think most bugs are that way, amazingly prolific. The trick is to find their natural predator and take it in simultaneously. The problem is when the 'natural predator' finds some hugely more attractive local prey species. Then you have both the new pest and the new unchecked predator. Look up mongoose and tree rats in Hawaii for a cautionary tale. I won't go to Australia and cane toads, because Australia has absolutely the worlds record for incompetent biological management. Their efforts there are unblemished by success afaik.
  5. In fairness, I do think GrindOutWins has a point. The vaccines do have some risk of serious side effects, so if they do not keep one from being infectious and do not protect against future infections, they may not be fit for the purpose. I recognize the claims that they reduce the risk of dying if infected, but that is a thin reed to lean on imho.
  6. Been there, done that, at least until Homeland Security(??) decided that potassium permanganate, which was used to regenerate the iron filters, was a terrorist threat.... If you live in the ''burbs and get your own water,, you know it is a nightmare fluid, it takes up every possible contaminant available. Getting it clean is a never ending task.
  7. Don, Just have to say "Thank you!' for your admirable focus on what actually has happened, as opposed to speculation. We learn from your disciplined approach, otherwise it is just hand waving.
  8. Trust me, wet is better. You'll agree when your well produces only sand and gravel, with associated bills.
  9. I find it surprising that there is no discussion of the thinking behind the massive ongoing investments in coal based power generation in Asia. Sec. Kerry attempted to engage China on this issue and was promptly rebuffed, essentially told that China would be willing to talk to the US about this if the US made concessions elsewhere. Obviously that means China does not take the threat seriously, even though global warming would surely hurt China and India more than countries in colder latitudes. Can anyone shed light on this?
  10. Don't blame the journalists, they get paid a pittance and are on relentless production deadlines so they produce makeshift stuff. The quality control editing that used to be there got cut to save costs. Stripped of their want ads income, newspapers are generally unprofitable, so they have become vanity properties for rich owners such as Bezos or Carlos Slim, guys who do not like to spend too much.
  11. You're missing out. This stuff eats great right off the cob, no need to heat.
  12. I don't believe that that is true. Afaik, the actual swings in temperature are so fast that they are mushed by the process of ice forming and melting , with the associated gas diffusion. Basically, the cores show very abrupt changes, which we are struggling to understand.
  13. Note that I stated "anthropogenic"; that was for a reason. Clearly climates change over time, but very slowly and on the geological scale of ages such a glacial and interglacial periods. I'd been under the impression that very sharp climate swings were the norm, as evidenced by the very abrupt temperature changes during the most recent ice age and the 'Younger Dryas' cold snap.
  14. I'd like to believe that, but I don't recollect any actions by the NYC government taken in advance. No road closures, no suggested evacuations, not a hint of concern about the impending downpour. Just post storm blather about global warming.
  15. Thank you Roger Smith, for this exceptionally informative posting. Your insight about the way newspapers were laid out makes one recognize that their current format maybe should again change, now that the web handles the breaking news. Imho, the WSJ, the Wash Post and the NY Times have long adapted and view the front page as an editorial page. But without the ads, it is only the view of the 0.01%.
  16. Honestly, you guys should take a victory lap, you did good. That said, I think we did not look beyond landfall enough. This storm killed way more people up here than down there, because people here got surprised. I know the mets were screaming, but the leaders were not listening, they could not tell the difference.
  17. Seems the bulk of the system will bypass the metro area to the north.
  18. Does too, us Manhattanites build our world around it.
  19. A $50B flood wall built in New Orleans is a $5B project elsewhere. The graft is impressive, superbly organized and pervasive throughout. I'd have very little confidence that anything has really changed since Katrina, so I hope we will not see.
  20. Think that reflects the poor track forecast for this storm, which has just kept chugging along rather than make the sharp right turn to the east that the models all agreed on. I've no idea what that was based on and the models did correctly call for the shift from mostly west to mostly north earlier, but in this instance, they were badly caught out. None forecast Henri would meander around CT and the Hudson Valley. Frankly not a great advertisement for our meteorological forecasting skills.
  21. Cab someone more expert in meteorology help us understand this egregious modeling failure to predict the record precipitation generated by this storm? It seems to me that the focus on the exact landfall and the peak intensity caused everyone to lose sight of the real issue, but honestly the models did not handle the moisture element well.
  22. The rain band that impacted NYC and NJ last night sort of reached way out from the storm. It seemed unusual, but it is still surprising that the models did not recognize the precipitation potential. Wonder what lessons will be learned from this.
  23. Amazed the raccoons have not found your garden yet. They were on the case in short order when I was gardening in CT. Early ripeness evaluators for corn, berries and tomatoes. Not so much for asparagus.
  24. Surprising errors for a system in our back yard. Helps understand the Ukie failure to initialize Henry correctly.
  25. So how did the garden fare? We're all now invested in its health.
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