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Everything posted by etudiant

  1. Am I correct that there is absolutely no current evidence of the projected decline? The chart here has a huge change between 2030 and 2050, but nothing before then.
  2. How come weather maps don't routinely show the fronts any more? They used to be a fixture on the daily forecasts, not so much any more.
  3. That machine is on display in Athens, along with some really fine computer imagery of how it worked. It is truly a marvel, both conceptually as well as practically it is a marvel. Note that it had multiple gear trains, precision crafted to replicate the movements of the planets. The instructions were on the box, they were only discovered in the last couple of decades.
  4. Northern California has been getting sustained rain for the last three days, if the radar maps are to be trusted. Has anyone any insight as to whether that is materially more than usual?
  5. A dusting to maybe an half inch of very fine snow on the UES in Manhattan. Snow is continuing at a slow rate at 9.00PM..
  6. The memory hole concept is alive and well, especially in DC.
  7. Don, Was January 2925 precipitation in NYC the lowest on record or was the drizzle yesterday enough to prevent that?
  8. Seems to me that the Paris Climate Agreement was mainly eyewash, hence there will be no effect. Reality is that China and India, the largest coal users by far, got a free pass for promises to get better sometime in the 2030s. Now that the US is out, it will be business as usual, with perhaps less need to pretend to be green.
  9. Walking through the Park showed snow cover pretty thin, consistent with the official 1.6" estimate. However, the ground had been wet and it is possible that the initial snowfall was melted, Certainly there was a lot of ice patches where snow had been cleared. The most accumulation was definitely on the rustic wooden fences, they had easily half again as much snow depth as the ground, probably because their surface was pretty dry when the snow began.
  10. Wherever it is, it is not here in Manhattan. We're getting very light snow, maybe at an inch every 3 hours rate. Temperatures are around freezing, so stuff melts or sticks, depending on where it lands. We're nowhere close to any 3" forecast. No dings on the weather service, their maps told the tale, it is more a reproach to all the people who tried to make this into something it was not.
  11. I stand corrected, there is some snow in Manhattan now. I'g guess a quarter inch of wet slop on the ground, maybe building up to as much as an inch if the radar holds. Still not close to the 3-6" hoped for, but we'll be happy with what we got.
  12. If you go outside in Manhattan, you won't see any snow, just slightly wet streets. I'd be delighted if we get an inch of snow cover out of this. Right now it looks to be a Nothing Burger.
  13. Was there not a fable about 'The boy who cried wolf'? It seems that the pressure to get clicks is overriding any concerns about credibility longer term or sense of professional responsibility.
  14. Well, you're probably reasonable well placed to avoid any storm surge, certainly better than I'd thought. I've no idea what the aftermath of a Florida hurricane is like, do people get together to pick up the pieces or is it 'Lord of Flies'? Certainly a learning experience for the kids.
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